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Light Leaks & CCTV Camera's

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Has anybody had an issue with CCTV camera's in the grow room. I have had an issue, plants acting like there was a leak, tops of cola's stretching 3 weeks into flower,calyx's growing straight up in pair's instead of clumping, top leaves curling/hooking down. Have been having this problem for the last 2 months, as I had changed strains, it seemed like the strain was the cause, but that is not the case. With 3 new strains in there the same is happening, I run DWC so there is no under or over watering or fertilizing problems, water temp is kept at 19 degrees, the room runs around 29 degrees & 50% humidity, 22 degrees in it's night period. I resealed between my veg & flower room's and cannot detect any light leaks ( minimal leaks before). So then I am looking at my moniter and realise the most effected plant ( which is a beautiful Pineapple Chunk, 25 cola's+) is what the camera is focused on. It just shows a mass of white light where that plant is, the rest of the room you can see clear and sharp in black & white. Great for checking in when the lights are off, I so I thought. Could the CCTV camera be the problem? I googled it and found that some say it has no effect, while others say it will effect the plant. Infrared is invisible to the naked eye but the plants need it as part of the normal cycle, but to much can be bad. So I have disconected the fuckin thing, hopefully things will come good.




Here's a pic of whats happened to the PC.post-44248-0-03840100-1315826994_thumb.jpg

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Excessive Infrared Light Damages Plants

Infrared light--though necessary for many plants--is easy to overdo. Excessive light heat results in plants discoloration--plant burn--or can possibly cause plant death. Indoor plants and plants experiencing drought conditions are easily damaged through unhealthy infrared exposure. Excessive light heat energy in indoor grow lights may cause unhealthy early growth spurts and long periods of low plant production. Growers must meet but not exceed plant light requirements--including infrared needs--if healthy plant production is expected.




Read more: Effects of Infrared Light on Plant Growth | eHow.co.uk http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6628882_effects-infrared-light-plant-growth.html#ixzz1XkGgESoM

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Don't want to sound rude, but you need to go back to the basics to figure out what you're doing wrong. Just because you are running DWC for example does not mean you are immune to overfertilisation etc. In my system, curling like that often indicates a rootzone problem (would love to see a pic of your rootballs with the hps off). I'd also be interested to know how much airflow each airstone gets.


By all means switch the camera off, but I would keep looking for another cause to you're problems as I think it's unlikely that it's the camera.


Naycha :peace:

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Why are you micro waving your plants to start with is my question and then giving them light as well.

I think a whole re think in some of your plans wouldn't go astray. Common sense, maybe not so common.


Hey Rev, sounds like you might agree with the camera theory. Your right, sometimes common sense just flys out the door, the camera was great for a look with lights on or off. Never thought about infrared, 10 infrared LED's aimed directly at the plant, micowaved/nuked is what I think has happened.

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