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canna leaf/tip cooking?

Guest billy bonger

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Guest billy bonger

:) hi all,

I tried the triple choc cake mix with 1/2 oz leaf and tip. The chocy cake i tried straight away and the ony thing i could taste was leaf ;) :) (very sick all night )then i tried the bread next morning i thought it was great couldn't really taste anything, it was really good with cheese on toast i put a 1/4 oz in that..

I tried that cake again this morning as well and for some reason it doesn't taste to bad now!! BUT........... I can't say i felt any effects at all from either!!. Any ideas on why i've heard you all talk about how potent it can be? I tried a friends once a long time ago and was sick but not feeling anything then as well is canna with lef/tip and the just a myth!

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I think you'll find you'll get much better results, not only in stone but for your stomach, if you make up cannabutter instead of just adding it to cooking straight.


There's a recipie here somewhere for it, if not, I can post it again if you'd like, with some rather bad pics to show you all what the process involves... that's only if there isn't one there already... I think chev may have reposted.... or was that just the saute method? oh well.


Anyway, yeah, raw pot baked into things will get you stoned, but taste like crap. The effects are also mitigated through oral ingestion, and baking at higher temps damages and degrades thc to less active forms as well.


Don't be discouraged from eating, just make up a really nice batch of butter, and then try adding a couple tablespoons into the butter/oil component of whatever you're cooking... There's also a great thread pinned in here on how much you should need to consume for effects... there are a lot of variables, so take it easy when using cannabutter for the first time or two.. As it can really knock you on your ass like nothing else. ;)


Aside from all that, I'm sorry your cake didn't turn out nice... I'll be posting my version of the CWA Chocolate Cake no 2 soon, hopefully with pics. :)

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hey billy don't be discouraged !

I to was keen to try the well talked about effects of eating cannabis laced foods, and the first time i did they were renown potent muffins & cookies that were known for putting people on their asses for the good part of a day.

After eating an abnormal amount i was confused at why i hadn't been able to determine any significant effects attributed to the eating.


I slowed down my smoking of premo hydro through the week due to work, (the 9 hours of the day i'm at work and not smoking for 9 hours straight :)) and just smoking through the week every now and then and big on weekends and just kept to smoking good bush buds through the week.


I made a batch of cadburies tripple chocolate muffins ;) and added a *few ounces* (stood back and poured from hesham sacks) and came out with some good quality butter, from memory it was 2-3 tablespoons of butter to add from the pack and added 3-5 because the last muffins didn't do anything... one muffin left my pretty fried, two rooted me to the couch for most of the day and three+ led to involintarilly uncontrollable passing out . ( so any doctors reading should get to investigating thc aneasthesias ;) )


After this i got to asking a few people i know and it's pretty common not to feel the effects first time, even 2ns or 3rd for some people


I would advise against smoking cones after eating the food for your first 'food sesh' also because it , for lack of a better word, clouds the effects of the eating, then when you get familiar with eating and refining your cooking thats when i feel you can explore furthur. .


Hope i've provided some insight Bill.


Keep tokin 'n bakin :)



Edited by boe~pimp
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hey billy bonger, sorry to hear you were unimpressed. As others have said making some cannabutter in at least an 8 hour simmering process is the most efficient way. Also in the process of making cannabutter the water absorbs chlorofyl and the butter absorbs the THC, so you don't get so much the green taste. your potency could have suffered due to a combination of short cooking period and lack of fat content in your cake mix.


but, for sure you should try again. eating pot can be much more intense than smoking IMO.

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Guest weekprik

Discussing Cannabutter


The best way I found to make Cannabutter is to start around one quart of water boiling on the stove that has a half of a stick of butter (or margarine) in it. The water serves to keep from burning the butter. I preferred to work with a half stick of butter, as that's the amount called for in the recipes I made. (I'd cut the stick in half then use the half that was a bit bigger.)


Once your water and butter mixture is brought to a boil, add 1/2oz finely chopped cannabis to the mixture and bring it to a simmer. You can vary the amount of cannabis, but I found that if most folks considered a cannabis cigarette half the size of a pencil as being large enough to get one to two people reasonably "stoned" then 1/2oz of that cannabis was about right for me. But by all means, this is only my opinion. My advice to you is to go slow, as the possibility of overmedication is a real issue when eating cannabis. Although there is no LD50 (the amount of a drug given to a group of test animals that will kill half of them.) for cannabis, we don't want the dosage so high that the patient is almost incapacitated, or that a situation arises where a patient unfamiliar with the effects of cannabis becomes agitated or develops a paranoia event. If you are making this for a loved one unfamiliar with the effects of cannabis, be sure to remain with them for a minimum of four to six hours after ingestion to ensure their comfort and safety. I do NOT advise anyone to give any medical patient cannabis or any other drug without their knowledge, and informed consent. Don't be afraid to discuss the use of cannabis with your doctor. I've discussed this subject many times with all my doctors and other than one of them they've either approved of, or even encouraged the use of cannabis for both my glaucoma and asthma. If you currently (or plan to) use cannabis for a medical condition then I strongly advise that the doctor involved has full knowledge of ALL drugs being taken by his patient. In essence, don't do this without discussing it with your doctor FIRST.


Let the mixture simmer for up to 2 hours. This can vary depending on how finely you've chopped the cannabis. If you use a coffee grinder and get it close to a powder, 1 hour or so should be fine, if the particle size is about the size of rice, I'd keep it simmering for one and a half hours or more even, being sure to keep up the quantity of the water so the mixture doesn't burn. A good "rolling" simmer is best.


When you're done with the boiling process, a lightweight, clean white handkerchief works very well for straining the mixture to remove the cannabis. (You use what works best for you. But be advised that I found that a tea strainer will become clogged up in a quick hurry! And if you use cloth of some kind, you can twist the ball of cannabis inside tightly to get the most out of it easily. Just remember that water and butter at boiling temperatures is HOT and can and will burn you if you're not careful! Let it cool down a bit first.) Strain the mixture into a bowl big enough to hold it all and place it into the refrigerator over night. The next morning you'll find the butter looking like a soft wax disk floating as a cap on top of the water. Remove the butter from the water by whatever means works best for you and discard the water. A slotted ladle or spoon can be used to scrape it all out. Try not to get any of the water during this phase, but if you do get a little, don't worry, it shouldn't hurt you. (though it might throw off your recipe if you get too much of it.) Use the cannabutter just as you would regular butter in your cooking, but I liked it best in baking or making marshmallow munchies.



I would take whatever I cooked and break it into 10-20 portions and vary dosages that way. Let me again stress that overmedication is possible, start out with a little and increase from there as conditions indicate.


Keep what you don't use immediately in the freezer to help retain freshness and potency.







Cannabutter Recipe 2



The first step in cooking magical cannabis-laced foods is extracting the cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and many more) from the plant matter, usually in a oil/fat/butter-based solution, since the cannabinoids do not readily dissolve in water. My best FOAF has a method for doing this that he has not seen mention of in this forum. He got it from a little book called _The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis_, by Adam Gottlieb, originally published in 1974. Gottlieb calls the product of the extraction `CANNABUTTER'.


The procedure is actually very simple. He brings a pot of water to a rolling boil, then puts a small amount of butter in the water. Quickly, the butter melts, and mixes in with the water because the whole mixture is at a rolling boil.


Then he puts the grass in and boils it. (Of course, he separates all the seeds first so he can plant them in the nearby park.) Now all the grass is riling around with the water and butter, and get this: The cannabinoids dissolve into the butter, while most of the nasty flavours and gook dissolve into the water. He stirs the stuff regularly. After cooking the grass like this for a while (say, half an hour), his kitchen really smells incriminating. He strains out the spent plant matter, squeezes all the juice out of it, and puts the liquid in the fridge.


A few hours later, the mixture is cool enough that the cannabutter has solidified on the surface. It looks kind of scummy, but its just enchanted butter. He scoops it out and retains it in a bowl or a jar. The grass-nasty water is thrown out.


The cannabutter can be used just like butter, in brownies, on garlic bread, or mixed with honey on your finger!


Although this method takes longer than the usual sauté-n-strain method, it has several advantages:


* As explained above, the nasty shit is separated and removed from the fun shit.

* You can make stronger cannabutter than by sautéing, because you can cook more grass in the same amount of butter, due to the extra volume of the water.

* There is no danger of burning the precious, price-inflated, hard and dangerous to obtain herb, as there is when you sauté, because the water keeps the whole mixture at boiling temperature!

If I have given any incorrect information, please let me know, so I can learn. ----------------------------OR-----------------------------------





Cannabutter Recipe 3



oh, I don't think that heating for 1 hour will break down the THC: brownies and breads are usually baked longer, and they seem just fine ;-)


I suppose that one does want to avoid _extreme_ heat, though... like open flame ;-) Anyway, I made my butter in a double-boiler, which is sort of a saucepan full of water, with another saucepan that mates on top of it, so that the bottom of one covers the top of the other (I went out and bought a very nice Revere ware double-boiler recently, but I digress). So, in the bottom boiler, you put water, enough, say, that you have only an inch or two between the water and the bottom of the second boiler. In the second boiler, put 1 quart of water, 1/4 oz, and a stick of butter. Simmer the stuff over low heat for a few hours, at least: I waited till it turned brownish. (the double boiler keeps direct heat away from the stuff, so it's used to cook heat-sensitive foods such as eggs and butter, without burning them).


Now, once you're satisfied with your mixture of butter, THC, water, and vegetation, prepare a bowl and something like a funnel lined with cheese-cloth, or a cheese-cloth bag. You can buy cheese-cloth at the grocery store: it will catch the vegetable matter, keeping it out of the bowl, into which you pour the butter/water mixture. Squeeze as much liquid as possible out of the cheese- cloth. If you really want to, you could keep the now-hopefully-impotent bud, but I've always just pitched it.


So. Allow your butter/water to settle and cool (I refrigerate it). The butter will rise to the top, and can be lifted out, but I usually am not satisfied with all the particles of butter that remain, so I run the water through a piece of cheesecloth and try to catch some of it. Anyway, that green gunk is butter, and you can spread it on your toast, make a sandwich with it, or cook with it. About two "pats" of butter stone me pretty well, but your mileage may vary. I usually try to disguise the taste with something like a pepperoni and garlic pesto cheese on rye sandwich, but you tastes _probably_ vary ;-) *********************





Taken from the Anarchist Cooking book. I do not accept any responsibility for the recipes. Try it at your own risk.



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Guest billy bonger
;) Thanks so much for those recipes week prik and for the incouragment everyone i think i will give it another shot with those fab recipes i think that has explained it really well, and then i'll wait with baited breath for that chocy cake recipe thanks luke :)
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Guest weepurple

Try Spaghetti or lasangne with the tips and leaves,


make sure that the meal is simmering and add into bolognase sauce.


You will find that there are loads of stong flavours to counter act the leaf taste.


You should try and make a Balsamic vinger redwine and mushroom sauce for over steak this gets rid of the flavour.


Weepurple :D :P

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