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Going away for 5 days...

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I am going to be away from them for about 5 days, and am worried that they will die on me. They have only just germinated, so I am planning to have them in pots by the end of this week. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't want to return home and find them dead....


*EDIT* btw I am leaving next monday (Nov 3)



Edited by XerXes
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Hmm... I'd say pot up to the full size ASAP, and just before you leave, and I mean literally just before, give it a thorough soak with a watering can. Are you planning on soil growing or hydro? Soil will hold water longer, but will probably cut into your yeild a bit. Hydro needs more frequent watering, depending on the sys, but you can easily automate it to run for 5 days if you were away...


But yeah, if you're growing in a basic soil pot, then just pot up to the largest size asap, give it room to grow and water the fudge out of it before leaving... maybe a saucer of water underneath to keep it moist, depending on how warm it is and it's position. :)

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Guest Wilderbud

I can suggest burying the pot partially with sand under it also and definately mulch on top of the pot if the 5 days could end up being a few days more [dont let the mulch touch the seedling after watering the pot if you do this or stem rot is imminent]. The sand is only to let the pot drain the water while underground - the ground will keep the pot soil moist for a week easilly.


And to repeat whats been said 'soak it well'. :)


PS. a 5 day interval is nothing when youre outdoors.

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