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Big drug haul

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POLICE uncovered more than $100,000 worth of cannabis plants that were elaborately disguised at a Wauchope factory bay.

Port Macquarie detectives seized 53 hydroponically grown cannabis plants worth $132,500 on Friday during a search of the Commerce St bay.

Police also searched a Eucalypt Close home at Wauchope, but no drugs were found.

Police allege the drugs had been disguised by cardboard boxes.

A 43-year-old Wauchope man was charged with the cultivation of a prohibited plant greater than an indictable quantity.

The man was bailed to appear at Port Macquarie Local Court today.



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A 43-year-old Wauchope man was charged with the cultivation of a prohibited plant greater than an indictable quantity.

Anyone know exactly what that indictable magic number actually is state to state?

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I think its over 50, If I'm right then this guy was a complete dickhead to grow 53 plants.


Anyway how the fuck do you disguise a plant as a cardboard box??? why would you do that??? where they outdoor hydro plants??? or indoors??? woulda been pretty suss to see a bunch of cardboard boxes with big bright lights above them.




police estimate that, or thats how much they got for it?? I thought that was a wank when I first heard it, $132,500 worth of pot, but thinking about it, it'd only take like 15000w and a big shed to be getting around 100k per crop, that is fucking crazy, some people need to grow 1000's of acres of whatever to make that much per year.

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Yep 50 plants in NSW is deemed as supply and the quantity is an indictable amount, 250 plants is commercial and means a trip to district court instead of local court. The size of the plants does not mater 1 plant 14 foot high will get a much less penalty than 250 seedling that have just sprouted. The most common penalty imposed for cultivation in the local court is a fine $400+ or good behaviour bond, if you go to district court most likely 1-2years in jail and community service. Edited by syk613
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