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hey all (my grow)

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hi all this will be my first post heres a little bout my self i live in NSW around near newcstle im growing

8 zindicas

8 hash plant x jack herra

4 afgani

6 kush x skunk

1 bagseed

they are al doing fine i dont know how to attach immages yet but ill try ill try and get pics of em all next week

im an overgrow member aswell and an assc member

thnx all I.O.G

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just a bit more info on my grow i also have 5 kush x skunk goin at the moment and im giving some mango and some kc33 x kush seeds to a friend to grow for me

5 of my white rhinos got eatin when i went on holidays i was very pissed


at the moment im digging holes for all my plants my soil mix will be some natural soil and some potting mix chopped up fish and some blood and bone

my hole are about 2 ft by 2ft deep im hoping to get some 5-9 foot tall plants this season when i figure out how to get pics up i will but untill then


this yr ill be doing some breeding and gigving lotsa of seeds out to friends and trading them on assc


cya I.O.G

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Good luck with your grow ionlygrow, I am sure you will get lots of help from the well respected members of this site, like I have, and if you post pics ppl can diagnose problems before they become too serious (one of my plant's has recovered well from possible nute burn or water logged roots after just 24 hr as indicated by the colour of the leaves (darker green)and stem (purple)
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