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green light

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Is it true that green light doesn't affect your plants in the dark cycle during flower? So if I want to do something in there in the dark I can. Does this just mean a green coloured normal light bulb or what?


also, is it true that if you use green buckets you don't have to lightproof your rootzone? making them light proof is a PITA. Someone told me to just get green coloured buckets and I won't have any root or algae problems. I never heard this before so am a bit skeptical.

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Is it true that green light doesn't affect your plants in the dark cycle during flower?  So if I want to do something in there in the dark I can.  Does this just mean a green coloured normal light bulb or what?


also, is it true that if you use green buckets you don't have to lightproof your rootzone?  making them light proof is a PITA.  Someone told me to just get green coloured buckets and I won't have any root or algae problems.  I never heard this before so am a bit skeptical.

Remain sceptical, I would not use any form of light during the dark period of a flowering plant and any light getting into your DWC buckets can promote the growth of algae.

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Plants use infrared, red, and blue light to regulate their growth and flowering as well as to power photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use light to combine water absorbed by the roots and carbon dioxide from the air to make sugar. Sugar fuels the cell's life processes and is a building block for tissue.


Green light is not used by plants and is reflected back from the leaves. For this reason green light can be used in a dark room. It will not affect the plants' flowering cycles. Green incandescent bulbs and green fluorescents are available. The incandescent bulbs filter out most light but green. Green fluorescent lamps produce a bright green light.


By Ed Rosenthal.



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Love to see if anyones done any comparitive testings... I'm with taz, remain skeptical, because I'm not certain on it. It makes moderate sense, although you'd have to have a pure green spectrum light to work, anything outside the range, even small amounts, would affect the plants in flowering. :D


It's an interesting subject man, I'd love to know if anyone here has direct experience. :)

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Guest weekprik

The following text is written without prejudice or any bad feelings, it is also not proven or verified just what I read and have noticed myself in my limited indoor growing.




The green light thing works, but im not sure about the green bucket thing as the roots are not green they are white,


Also MJ doesnt need pitch black, it likes it very dark, but the non-green light coming from the bulb isnt enough, a full moon lets ALOT of light on to the plant does it not?


You guys were told a fact by Rosenthal yet you disbelieve,


Oh and

getting into your DWC buckets can promote the growth of algae.

Umm algae is not harmful to MJ in anyway so why worry?

and if you dont like algae then just dose with oxyplus on a regular basis and it wont occur anyways,

Those tossers who tape up the res crack me up.

Edited by weekprik
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Guest Wilderbud

I dont worry about algae growth in my reservoir too much as its never been a major problem. I aerate my reservoir with a small fishtank aerator to keep the algae away as much as possible and by the time my water feels slimy its time to refreshen it anyway [monthly]. If I had no aerator I would cover the reservoir and I plan to block light from the stems down eventually so I can turn my aerator off.


Algae has to effect growth as it can at least block your filters!


As for green light - I want to try it but its pointless unless your grow space is in a darkroom to start with [its too much hassle to light-proof windows and doors just to check on your plants during the night IMO].

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