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underwater plants


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Guest elefunk_delivers

I have often had dreams about my own private nightclub stashed away

in the backyards of Livo, in a farm barnyard that leads to an underground

rumpus, simlair to the Cannabis Cave but more high tech, and alot more off leading passages of couse with connecting areas specialing in various layers of Drum and Bass tunes from the most ambient to the darkerest deep south dirty stuff that makes your feet so damn dirty... that makes u wanna clean that coco all over again.. if u know what i mean..... but not only dos ethis place have cracking sounds but intelgent lighting also with ultra vio lights and wall to celing glass growrooms on each and every wall with the ressi containg tropical fish, shitting out the nutes my plants need....

ive spoken to the fish.. there cool with it..

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Guest Wilderbud

I had a dream one time and there was marijuana grapes involved in it. I am into bonsai and grafting so I probably got the ideas for the dream from there.


I was eating grapes to get wasted and throwing the buds as the grapes sucked all the THC up [in my dream]. :)

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sea horses rock man...i had a dried one when i was a kid..my next door neighbour was a mad alcoholic who used to empty her pond and catch her coy carp on the street in the gutter when they came out the drain hole thing in the gutter thing...she was a spin out man..her husband got caught for tax evasion and did time... and her daughters were mad bitches with XB coupes..I think they were John Goss specials...






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