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Additive compatibility

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Kash, The potash product I'm using is called "Heavyweight soluble liquid potash"

and the directions on the bottle and from good advice from my supplier,say I should be adding the product from the time that u turn your lights down, this is the reason I wanted to have someone who has alittle more time under the belt. Cheers for da info! w.b :rolleyes:

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you could try getting a brix meter and do a brix test.. to see if it is actually having any effect in the first few weeks...you might be surprised..to learn that some people and instructions on bottles just want you to use a product as soon and as fast as possible , so that you can buy more.. but you wouldnt be more stupider to fall for that would you? :rolleyes:






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Guest weekprik

Not enough experiance with either product but...


I always start to use my Potash on the day i change to 12/12,

I change all my nutes, flush the system overnight, and then make a new mix containing, Potash, Silica, A+B, Max,


But Im still experimenting, I would say really the plant wont need potash until week 3 or whatever because its then that the plants requirements for it are high, its not cruical on the change over day,

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