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geurilla growing tips!

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Guest Field_of_Light

Yeh u can add some crystal rain to you fertiliser mix in your soil...something that breaks down slowly like fish heads etc...


Crystal rain or one of the many other names it has absorbs water and the plant uses this stored water when it needs it for growth flowering etc...which lets face it when you have 45 degree temps you plants gonna need it


You can have a slow dripper feeder system to feed your plants...you would need to refill it every 2 weeks or so...

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I think there are a couple of types of those water saver crystals. One of them breaks down and is absorbed in small quantities by the plants over time, the other is more stable and lasts for a looooong time, with little or no breakdown. The one which breaks down and is absorbed is apparently not that good for vegetable or smoking crops, I can't remember where I read that, (:wacko:, pretty common for a choofer) but it was backed up with chemistry and other knowledge so I think they were on the level... I'll try and find it later on if you like.


Don't get me wrong, I think those water saver crystals are great! Just since I read that I've been a little more circumspect as to their use with mj. I grow indoors in hydro so it doesn't have much use for me, but I can see how an outdoor grower in a hot climate would benifit from them greatly. One thing, be careful how much you use, cos too much and you'll literally push your plants out of the ground! :D I've seen this, so be stingy with the stuff, and you'll do okay.


Time release ferts are a bit tricky... they come in a few diff types, with different release times and different component fertilisers. They're usually just granulated complete fertiliser with a plastic, wax or other organic coating which dissolves over time, releasing nutrients to the plant. The thing is, when you use them, you can't flush them out once in there, and you can't control the release rate from then on. If the temp rises, they release more fertiliser. And if you have regular, warm to hot days, then you'll end up with overdosing plants at first, and then maybe if they survive starving ones. They could be of use in limited amounts, particularly the short time release ones for veg growth outdoors, but honestly, I'd steer clear of them for any kind of long term fertilisation. They're very imprecise, and very prone to over or underfertilisation.


Well manured, highly organic and free draining soil is the ideal, if you can get all three you've got a dynamite media for growing weed. If you're worried about long term fertilisation, then use something slow releasing like blood and bone and other organic manure based fertilisers, they'll take a while to break down first so you may want to leave them in the ground for a bit before planting, but it's going to make your plants very happy. If there's a moisture problem, like you don't have the time or inclination to water them regularly, then mulch well, I mean like 10cm plus around the surrounding soil, but not hard against the stem, as this can lead to rots and disease problems. This mulch keeps the soil cool in hot weather, and warm in cold, sort of like insulation for the soil. It cuts down on moisture loss too. You can get these watering spikes which attach to plastic bottles, you stab them into the soil around the plant with bottles of water attached to the top, upside down, and it drips out the spike in the ground at 1l/hr or less... could be a useful tool for ya in those times when you can't water... might be a little conspicuous.


A good, deep watering will encourage deep feeder roots on the plant, making it more resilient to drought and water loss... Planting early in the seedlings life will also allow the seedling to send down much longer and stronger root systems than would be the case if they were transplanted out from pots at a couple months or weeks old.


Whew, my hands hurt now.... I hope that's helped, if anything doesn't make sense, (like most of it) then just ask and I'll elaborate. Grow well, grow on. ;)

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Unless you found someplace that we've all been looking for without success, you're going to need to tend ya plants. Australia is notoriously dry and you'll never know just how dry until you try farming it. This is why when u ask an experienced grower "where's the best place to grow", most likely the answer will be "as close as possible".


I've used too many water crystals, and yep, I forced the plants out of the ground :wacko:. had to dig them all out, and go through it all again. So be tight. I've heard arguements that they will absorb moisture out of the soil around the plants, when they've given up their moisture, fighting the plants for a drink, and I've heard people claim they have caused root rot on their plants.


I'd use them, but like I said, just a sprinkle, and do that down deep, right at the bottom of the hole, or else the roots are going to stay very shallow, too long.


I've got nothing good to say about drippers. they run dry in a day, and a decent sized plant needs a lot of water. Some friends have taken the approach of don't water them unless they're going to die, and I personally can't stand to see them even in a midday wilt, so I water them pretty well every day in summer. I'll use 20 litres a plant,and spend all day every day doing it if need be.


Growing dope in the scrub is no bludge.


Australian soil is marginal at best. Well the soil that we get to play with is. The best soil is under cultivation or housing now, and the only stuff that has no one interested enough to leave it alone for 9 months is the soil that no-one can raise anything on, so we get the crap. Soil so hard it will need a wrecking bar to crack it.


Dig out holes as large as you can manage, take as long as you need. A month of preperation is worth it's weight in gold through the rest of the season.


Line the holes with thick plastic to stop the roots of other trees invading the plant's space, robbing it's nutrients and hard worked water. Always leave a drain hole at the bottom, remember you've just made a "pot" , and the same rules apply now as they do to any "pot plant" growing.


Australian scrub trees grow roots across the top of the soil even looking for water and nutes, and they'll grow over the top of the plastic and down into the fresh soil you carried in, like a drinking straw, so be on the look out for that too. I liked to shape the holes in an inverted trangle shape, to direct the water, down deep, and make the roots follow, getting them deeper and deeper.


In the beginging of the grow, make them wilt until you cave in and water them. this will make them dig their tap roots down. By Summer, they'll need so much water, you'll wish you'd planted less,no matter how many you planted. Of course, if you're close by a creek, one that actually has water in it, you'll have less work, but work you will, just the same.


One patch I had, was near a creek; about 100 metres away, it was still a drag, but it was handy.


Slow release nutrients are crap in my opinion. They are everything bad about fertaliser. As stated, they are unreliable, and worse still, they may even release the wrong nutes at the wrong time. Ever seen heads that have had to much nitrogen? You'll spew working all those months to have spindly heads. Water with nutrients as the plants need it. Manutec is an excellent fertaliser, one that probably made most of it's business over the years by dope growers I think. Even if the company doesnt know it. Water them with the appropriate nutes, when the plant shows a slowness of vigor, and never water with nutes every watering.


Blood and bone will attract burrowing animals to the holes, like bandicoots, potaroos, echidnas, etc etc etc... So either don't use strongly organic soils or ferts, unless you can do something about the animals. I hate fences, they attract too much atention, are a pain in the arse to errect, and they work as well as ashtrays on a motor bike.


If u have animals burrrowing in the soil you carried in, or improved, lay chick wire flat on the ground, and cut a smal hole for the plant to grow up through. of course, you'll have to come to that conclusion early on in the piece, before the plant gets too big.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, tie meat bones all around the grow. Attract every wild animal that is carnivorous for miles, to create your own watch dogs. Hopefully, you'll have dingoes in the area, and tieing good chunky meat bones to trees all around the grow will encourage them to camp there, were no self respecting wallaby will venture for fear of their life. Unfortunately, dingo camps do little to deter burrowing anmals, the buggers.


There's loads more to consider, but that's gotta be the bare min. you'll need to consider. I know your question said something about no water problems, and no wind problems, but I don't understand that. Unless you're in Tasmania, water will always be a poblem, and unless you're in Tasmania, wind will never be a problem, so maybe you're in Tas?


In which case, you might need to throw everything I wrote out the window, as it's experinece learned in dry land growing, in hot climates.


BTW, for mulch, use stuff like hesian, or disposable nappies, and bury them just under the surface. Straw and so forth stands out like dog's nuts. Especially in a "round" shape. When doing any of this stuf, remember; nothing is "round", "square" or otherwise unaturally concise. Remeber this when setting the plants out, or doing anything that will disturb the surrounding scrub.


Unless you're winter cropping, a turn over of many small plants quickly in succession, go for a large strain. Raise it under lights and select the best female, and plant females only. Grow fewer plants, larger, and concentrate on those. You can sex them and select a mother without an elaborate indoor set up. If you havent got he gear to rasise them inside, take a cutting or two from each plant. Be extremely careful to label them, so u can remember them, and don't think for one minute you'll remember what plant, what cuttings came fom where. Label them. Put them in zipocks and write some kind of descriptions what plant they came from. Strike these under a cheap fluoro, and put them under 12/12 until they show sex. Don't grow males, whatever you do. it's all too hard a work.


Take care, and always consider where the sun will be in head season, not where it is when u plant.




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Dame! I didn't think it would be that hard.

I thought I could just go to the bushs find a spot with good soil, some sort of wind break, and only morning sun plus water source near by. and plant a clone cube with a male and female with some fertilier and hope it will grow and produce seed and allow the river to carry the seeds down the water.


or even just thow out thousands of seeds alone any un-maintained bush land and hope for the best!

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dam robbie u know ur stuff man. :P this is the site i need at the moment. thinking a bush spot would be nice 4 some ducksfoot. pitty i will mis this summer as i figure i got lots of prep to do. will do this in winter b4 next summer. prepare the soil ect. well i'll take some notes from that thanx. hey by the way u (or any 1) got any tips about putting in a nute res in the bush like a bush irrigation set up. like a big dug in res :P
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It's possible to grow unattended crops: it just requires bullshit amount of luck and a wet summer!!!


The best thing in Aus is (as Skywalker said) Water Crystals. Without these you will get NOTHING from an unattended crop.


Good places to grow unattended crops are:


*Other people's property (always a laugh)


*In the middle of lantana patches. Make a tunnel into the middle of it, clear a circle, and dig out a patch. Lantana is a legume (nitrogen fixing) so the soil in the centre is rich. Watch out for ticks & leeches. Hate those bloodsuckers.


*Blackberry patches. Do the same thing as above. I don't think blackberry is a legume, so you'll probably have to bring some potting mix.


*Obvious places. Sometimes it is possible to plant late in the season (mid-January) in obvious places that it would not be apparent that mull could grow (eg. public parks, small bits of bush, next to roads etc). Because the plants (a) won't get as big (lol are not around for as long, it is often possible that you can get away with it. Also, with a bit of water crystal you probably won't need to water at all.

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Just removed those multi posts there for ya red 13...


Oh, and VV, you really like screwing other people over and risking their nexks don't ya.... lol


Good places to grow unattended crops are:


*Other people's property (always a laugh)


Oh, and lantana is not a legume, afaik. Course, I could be wrong, but I thought it was a dense shrub with small clusters of bright flowers and foliage which stinks like mouldy pot. B) Verbenaceae? They aren't legumes are they?

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Pretty sure it is a legume-- that's why the soil underneath is so nice and brown.


Lantana is awesome; there's always heaps of wildlife in it (diamond pythons, pademelons, skinks, willy wagtails...). You wouldn't think so but it actually provides a really valuable habitat for a lot of small animals and birds because the cats can't chase because its too prickly and dense.


It's the best place to grow weed as apparently the satellite can't distinguish between mull and lantana. Anyone know if this is true?


And btw: I'm not risking other people's necks by planting on their property------> they can always deny it belongs to them (if it gets found by the doggers). Otherwise, someone gets some free choof if they find it. And I get free choof if no-one finds it.


What's the problem with that?

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gudday mate,

firstly, feral cats live anware in the bush they fucken like

. thats why their called feral cats.the army blows thousands of them away each year and still we can't contol the bastards. they are the main reason so many of our native animal are going extinct. where ever there's a bush without dingoes and feral dogs there will be feral cats learking in the scrub watching you

i fucken hate them!

i like domestic cats. i have one and she's a great mouser.

yes when a mully is grown in lantana it is easily seen.

it's the glowing reson sacks and hairs that shine out like beakons.

robbie has an excellent thread somewhere.

it's not the satelites you have to worry about, it's the choppers and planes


valley villain are you telling this person to grow on their own property?

what a wonderful idea.

aren't you the one that also told people to get free bagseed from nimbin

and grow it.?


you really know your stuff man!

Edited by wade ounce
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