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Plants starting to look extremely unhealthy

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My plants have been going great for the last couple weeks of flowering, all except one. The leaves are becoming dry, curling and hanging limp from the stems. I thought it could be a few things; over fertilization, rootbound, nutrient lockout or rootrot now i know a few of those are similar problems so I tried transplanting it. However it hasnt really improved at all, infact it looks like its getting worse. Here are some details about how iv grown it.


Indoor/Outdoor: outdoor

Growing Medium: soil

Growing Style: bit of trimming here and there but nothing major

Watering/Feeding Frequency: feeding every 3 or so days

Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):feeding with monsta buds and liquid potash

PH Levels: not sure

Temperature/Humidity Levels: whatever the weather has been like

Growth Stage: Several weeks into flowering

Cannabis Strain: Just some bagseed







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Lil update, in new bigger pot and has recieved lots of rain and watering to flush it out. Starting to look abit healthier. Should I be considering removing the leaves that have become dried up, saggy and yellow? Or will they improve with time.





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Okay little update. Iv potted them up, flushed them and theyv recovered somewhat.


Some branches look very healthy





Others are looking pretty yellow and droopy




And others just look completely dead





Overall the plant looks savable but its pretty unhealthy atm.





My question is should I just cut those really dead looking branches and focus on the yellow and healthier looking heads? or can they be saved? Iv done alot of trimming of the dead leaves and the small branches that are looking awfully shriveled look like dont have much chance. Iv got 2 other plants which are completely fine its just this one im having alot of grief with. Please help haha.




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