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Aussies Ready to Roll Out Deep Penetrating Radiation Scanners at Airpo

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Is this the gathering place of the tin foil hat wearers on Oz Stoners haha. I'm kidding, I'm totally internalised on these inbred psychopaths and their system. There's certainly nothing elite about em. I was listening to John Trudell speaking and I think he really captured the energy perfectly of what they in essence are, they are the authoritarians.

I hadn't seen that article on Ghoullard. They sure are playin their cards now and for anyone that's a bit tuned in it's not hard to see. Ju-liar (i like that) is starting to look more haggard everyday. Quite dark shit coming outta that so called woman.. I did see her on the box a coupla nights ago and she was saying about how Australia is there to help Japan, she had a big smile on her face. Mean while her sidekick Krudd is doing his usual act of the century and nearly cryin, don't think he'd make it as an actor.


We're in for a ride that's for sure. I see it coming apart at the seams though, I don't see them being able to keep this money system stable enough to pay the useful idiots who they depend upon to enforce their agenda. Not only that, the coppers for one have families. I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to call the army in if need be, truth be told. Though, I think once enough people know what's going on there comes a point when the people wont back down come hell or high water and it'll be there either with us or against us. I know Aussies just continually grumble and bend over but when push comes to shove the shit will hit the fan and it'll be on if it's necessary. I certainly would have no problem defending my family even if I had to die in the process to do so. I know I've just painted the worst case scenario and when I think that in my mind I just see resolution and feel we'll make it beyond this Twilight Zone reality. There's light at the end of the tunnel in my eyes.


rjw, I also agree about being prepared as much as possible. I'd prefer to be in though country though and set up.


Anyway, all the best to you all



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Who says the NWO doesn't exist?

Here's what it looks like. *note the title of the story :) * (And the number of times they say that 'we start wars')


The clip features the usual NWO suspects, including Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003; former U.S. rep Jane Harman, soon to be the boss of the globalist training center, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; the neocon Robert Kagan, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a PNAC co-founder, and the neocon and former CIA director under Clinton, James Woolsey, who is a self-described “Joe Lieberman Democrat†(meaning he advocates bombing small and defenseless Muslim countries) who is also a PNAC supporter and former member of the CIA-infested Freedom House (an Orwellian term – it should be called the “Color Revolution Houseâ€).


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(though I noticed they claim the scans are 'voluntary only'...for now?)

Yeah and if you don't agree to it they will perform a cavity search i bet. See anything that is voluntary is really just a way for them to check if you are dodgy. If you refuse and seem a bit shady they will give to a strip search just like that. Its funny though that cannabis is illegal for all its"Negatives" yet something PROVEN to DIRECTLY cause cancer is being rolled out across the country... go figure !


I seriously cat handle our country, we are going backwards not forwards. Once the new laws come in banning ethnobotanical plants i may have to move overseas. I am sick of our govt blanket banning everything they want. i swear that Soon certain thought patterns will be considered "treason" and we will get locked up just for thinking the wrong way !

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We have been heading to a NWO since WW2. And the yanks want to be the boss. But the Chinese are the people who will be controlling it all in the end.


All anyone has to do is read the financial news both written and what you find on the net. They are very smart people when it comes to finance and business dealings. They have bought into so many mining co's in Aus it must feel like a Sunday flea market to them. They are doing this all over the globe. Then there is property etc etc.


Good luck to them I say. So long as we have fools running this country and allowing foreign ownership of most of this country then the outcome is inevitable.

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Your dead on the money brick,


as for real estate we actually make it compulsory for people who own a business overseas to own at least one property, a small consolation to our economy as we watch our money flow over the borders !


Furthermore as our construction companies go out of business various asian conglomerates come in and buy the company for half of what its worth and get it back on track, claiming a few projects in the meantime. America may think it's the dominant world power and i personally think that china and korea etc are happy to let them continue with this delusion while they steadily build their military strength.


Not only buying companies etc but essentially the countries themselves, our governments keep borrowing money off theirs, eventually we will be so far in debt we can't get out. At which point they can then say well since you cant pay your debt we want *insert land area here* for development.


The more we sell the less we have to make money, until eventually we have our billions of dollars in debts, and barely enough taxable businesses to cover it.

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o0o0o0oh....this 1's right up my ally....ok so we're all alert thats somthing big is on its way, I myself am yet to put the puzzle together but, without any doubt theres certain groups of people who play a major part of most things that hapn, such as skull and bones, the bilderberg group, the illuminati, freemasons...it all goes on, it's all drummed into us so so young...freddy flintstone and barney rubble both went to lodge, the simpsons have the stonecutters and so on...company logo's, its all endless, its just a matter of putting it all together...with so much information available its hard to sort the shit from the facts, all that 2012 hype, the dan brown books..its all a bit full on, and if you speak out, they wanna put ya in a padded cell...freedom of speach my ass....you ask david icke, alex jones or jordan maxwell what they think about freedom of speach...

Bottom line is if you look you cant and wont find, and if you do you shall go missing in no time.


The last attempt they had at nwo was the forming of the u.n, almost had us fooled huh...

In the states last yr i think it was or maybe even this yr, the guv started to label and mark people by putting little coloured dots on letterboxes, look into it via utube, the americans have sum pretty nifty shit up thier sleeves, the h.a.a.r.p, the blue beam project...all worth investigating if your interested in that kinda thing, but it still leaves me asking who is at the top?

Is it the vitican? a modern day nights templar? Is it ongoing power trip of the elite?...how do you rebel against what you don't know?

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Australia has three HAARP arrays. There is a video on youtube which gives the co-ordinates and satellite images.


My advice is, pay close attention to BOM (choose state from front page >> click "Radar Viewer" (bottom left) >> choose another state >> click "National" (top right)).


You will see HAARP being used on Australia every week, guaranteed, in the form of thin, circular cloud formations. They do not look natural in any way and they are certainly not some form of corruption on the image due to their specific locations (last week WA had one located at Port Headland and one at Esperance).


There are two forms: #1 is thin circular rings which expand to about five levels. #2 is lines protruding outwards from a centre point and looks to be spinning around the point (these have been occurring the most recently - look at Brisbane for an example).


Sometimes they are perfectly clear, sometimes there is a bit of cloud cover around them which distorts them somewhat.

Edited by rjw
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...how do you rebel against what you don't know?


The government is the NWO's front so rebel against them and their unjust laws.


You watch, Julair Gillard will be replaced with Tony Abbott at the next election and it will be the same ole shit.


The Liberal vs. Labor paradigm is a distraction whereby 'voters' actually believe they are having a say when in reality they are both exactly the same. They simply rat on the other party and their policies but always take us to the same destination.


1) Gun control

2) Police states (ever been pulled over by a cop for no other reason then to be intimidated? I have, many a time)

3) Stop and Search laws

4) Big Brother (cameras throughout cities. eaves dropping on telephony and Internet with Echelon)

5) X-ray Scanners

6) Privatization and Globalism (e.g. selling state assets; moving production overseas (bonds?))

7) Large cabal corporations (e.g. Woolworths = Safeway; BigW = Wal-Mart; Caltex = Chevron (aka Standard Oil) which also own NSW's (and VICs?) electricity company)

8) Prohibition!

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We need to stop thinking in terms of 'this country' and wake up to the fact that the NWO globalists have won (for now), or for those who are spiritually inclined, we are living in the last kingdom, the 'feet of iron mixed with clay.' Personally I think it's too late to stop and now with JuLIAR implementing their 'carbon TAX' witch is simply a defacto global control mechanism, the last bits of icing are being put on the cake.


The airport scanners are simply another means of intimidation and sheeple control, there there be a good sheep and submit to our radiation, be a good sheep and don't smoke that nasty drug etc etc ad nauseum.


It's like that slogan from the last Roman empire: "Let them hate, as long as they fear."


(though I noticed they claim the scans are 'voluntary only'...for now?)


You never thought for a minute that rockefeller and kissinger wouldnt try to see their utopian dream materialise right ??? (sarcasm)..... Now, lets remain optimistic, the sheeple are awakening at a rate that alarms these globalists, they have no won yet .... winning means that there are forced labour camps in every town ...... we're heading in that direction ......... They are not winning, they are losing the public battle more than ever .... thanks youtube.



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