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Aussies Ready to Roll Out Deep Penetrating Radiation Scanners at Airpo

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Mate I don't drink, dont like sports in general, I work for a private small business and I have no attachment to authoritarian or even benign government in any way. Any other adhoms you want to throw at me? I'm not a real stoner or something? How about "You obviously don't know what you're talking about because you can form a complete sentence, and everyone knows that's a sign you are surely a government spy. COINTELPRO!!!11!!eleventy!!"


If you work then you support the government and if they STEAL your earnings under the name of tax or any other excuse then you are a slave. The last estimate I heard for the total tax burden on Australians was about 75-80% of your income, if that's not slavery without the chains I don't know what is. 2)The beer and footy comment was a generalisation which I stick to and not necessarily meant to be aimed at you, sorry if it came across that way.


I also don't generally allow such nonsense as the NWO, a paranoid fantasy born from the general need for people to know that events have reasons, even if those reasons are evil, to go unquestioned. Sorry that offends you that someone else doesn't buy into your fantasy, but I prefer evidence and logic to assertion and fallacious reasoning. The NWO as put by it's proponents in the CT sphere, has about as much evidence for it's existence as I have that fairies live at the bottom of my garden. In other words, none.


If you want to know what water is like, don't ask a fish then?


The NWO was mentioned in Bush's speech was not a reference to some super powerful uber secret (and yet totally transparent to YouTube and the wonderful researchers at Faux) organisation hell bent on global domination. Listen to the blasted speech in context and separate from your preconceptions of how the world works. The term has a distinct meaning. It does not refer to the nonexistent organisation you seem to think it does. It refers to global changes in the power balance that had existed up until the end of communism in the former USSR.


Yes it did, also I said it was the BEGINNING of world leaders talking about the NWO. I did have a link to a whole bunch of mainstream newspaper articles invoking the NWO (using those exact words) but the site where it was hosted has closed. So if you're really interested (which I'm betting you're not) you'll have to DYOR. Also, why do you assume that I think the NWO is some "some super powerful uber secret...etc", FWIW I don't. Sure there are secret societies, everyone knows that but the NWO is here, it's as plain as day and the ONLY reason I can think of for anyone not seeing it is that haven't got their eyes open.


It's all rather elaborate and clever and has the veneer of legitimacy about it, but look at the FACTS yourself for a second, our manufacturing industry is all but dead, same for our farming industry, at least the little guys. As of April last year we were paying 1 BILLION dollars in interest per month on GOVERNMENT debt (I think that was federal and not the states?) when we should be producing our OWN currency and debt, that's the governments job right? And where does all that money come from if not YOUR labours? And hey it sure aint going to hospitals, schools, ambos, roads etc etc. And what of democracy? We sure don't have it here, when was the last time the government acted in the interests of the Australian people (on major issues)? When was the last time we had a referendum?


And if you screw with the NWO they simply send in the attack dogs (read U.S. military) to sort things out, well, as long as you have something of worth to them, like the middle east for example.


Anyway, that's only the tip of the iceburg, like I said there's plenty of info out there for those aren't afraid to face the reality that nothing much has change since the dark ages in terms of power structures and control.


Start by googling 'Money as debt', that should give you some clue how it's all being done.



(edit: Maybe it would help if you think along these lines. I'm assuming you've studied a bit about the history of cannabis prohibition? How industry, government and the main stream media all colluded to deceive the public. That's a major part of how it all works, so that now if you talk to average Joe about it it's pretty clear that they have no idea and have swallowed the lie, hook line and sinker, while you and I who have looked into it see the truth. Hope that helps.)



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@ Darth and anyone else who doesn't believe what Nooby is stating, use youtube, the proof is there, the evidence, everything, all you need to do is listen to it and it will make sense.


Aaron Russo: Reflections & Warnings, it can be found on Google video. The director Aaron Russo talks about how he had the opportunity to meet with Nicholas Rockefeller, he mentions all the things they discussed once when they had dinner, he said that Nicholas told him that in a certain number of months, an event will happen, and from that event america will go into iraq and afghanistan. a whole load of other stuff, also talks about the women's alliance and how the rockefeller foundation funded it and what their aims of that was, it was something like getting all the women to work so that the children dont grow up with the morals their parents teach them but instead they learn it from whoever is caring for the children at the childcare, etc. etc.


A fair amount of ALEX JONES documentaries talk about nothing but exposing all these hidden things.


And finally: If you still don't believe in it then take a look at Julian Assange and what he went through, wikileaks.org was exposing government lies and whatnot, why would they have prosecuted him if there was nothing to hide? There's hackers trying to attack websites every single day, some succeed, some don't, for those who succeeded, why weren't they prosecuted? Because for the hackers who did succeed, they didn't pose a risk to the governments, but then Julian Assange comes along letting the world know about the corruption that's making the world go around, and he gets pinned with rape, a whole lot of court cases, and who knows how it'll end..


The Euro: You might of heard about the one world currency etc. there never was a euro, for example before the year 2000, France's currency was the Franc, come the year 2000, any country that is part of the EU had got their currencies changed to the euro which can be used all over europe. Now sure it might sound handy, but the end goal is to achieve a one world government, so the one head of the snake has control over everything.


The truth is out there, listen to political rappers like Immortal Technique and Diabolic.





its under our noses! we just need to open our eyes and realise!



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This guys reply is exactly why we wont win, I agree with you that people need to wake up but while they have their beer and footy and delusions of freedom and safety they simply wont.


Unfortunately you'll always get those who can't see the the forest through the trees.


The amount of people who can, however, is growing and I think when the people stand up against this carbon tax then they will really see what people power can do.


Damn straight! :thumbsup:


The NWO is a paranoid fantasy. It has no evidence to support it.


Sorry, but that is the true words of someone who hasn't bothered to spend the time to do some research on the matter.

Edited by *Ryno*
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Yes the NWO is just a figment of my deranged imagination and our TRAITOROUS government is not in COLLUSION against us at all.


"US must be at centre of new world order says Julia"




Kind of like Rome was the centre of the last one I guess?


"JULIA GILLARD has stressed the importance of the United States remaining a military and economic power in the Asia-Pacific, saying just as it was indispensable during the Cold War, so, too, would it be indispensable in the new world."

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Yes the NWO is just a figment of my deranged imagination and our TRAITOROUS government is not in COLLUSION against us at all.


"US must be at centre of new world order says Julia"




Kind of like Rome was the centre of the last one I guess?


"JULIA GILLARD has stressed the importance of the United States remaining a military and economic power in the Asia-Pacific, saying just as it was indispensable during the Cold War, so, too, would it be indispensable in the new world."

Ju-liar also agreed to allow the US to dispatch more of their military on Australian soil. They pretty much occupy every country (except for the ones they now want war with - go figure).


People around the world need to wake the fuck up. Their plans are now moving at a rapid pace.


I'm not sure about you guys but personally, I'm preparing my house for sustainability (water tanks, solar power as primary source, big vegetable garden, extra gas bottles - and I live in the burbs!) and stocking up on necessities.

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Yeah I was gonna post that, more U.S. troops and more U.S. ships in our ports with the purpose of 'containing' China. /facepalm


This is what I don't get about China. If they are such a huge threat then why is the AU and US governments allowing them to become such a powerful nation by selling out to them?


They own over 80% of the mineral mines in the world and produce the most goods.


Personally, I believe China is the Osama Bin Laden of the world - the evil we must fight; the excuse - in order to distract us from what's really going on and that is China's authoritarian control is the model of the NWO. A testbed if you will.

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Not really, the way China handles dissidents (people who question the authority of Government) has been held up as the model for the NWO, I forget who said it though now, one of the big players, maybe Kissinger?


The danger of China is that they might turn and bite their masters' hand, they're value in the NWO is as a low-cost producer of mostly crap that can be on-sold to westerners at a HUGE mark up. China is not the big evil, WE are, or if that's a bit too vague the whole 'western system' is the problem. And it's 'us' (or more specifically, the U.S.) that causes these countries and groups to become threats in the first place. There's only so much meddling and aggression that anyone can put up with. Bin Laden is a ghost, he was a CIA trained asset in Afghanistan, his code name was Tim Osman and I'll wager he's still working for them now. If you haven't read 1984 then please do so, you'll find it very enlightening and in it is a guy called Emmanuel Goldstein who is pretty much identical to Bin Laden in that he and his 'terrorists' are the justification that Big Brother uses to maintain a state of perpetual war which keeps the rich and powerful in office and the poor and needy in their place, and it's all bullshit but the sheeple worship the state for keeping them 'safe' from this threat threat they invented in the first place.


If you read 1984 and Brave New World you'll get a pretty good idea of what's planned and how much they've actually completed.


So the threat of China is that might challenge the U.S. hegemony even though they're pretty much sold out to it themselves through the dodgy 'reserve banking' system they are kind of an unknown in terms of the future hence the need to 'contain' them. But lets face it, trying to 'contain' China (ignoring the arrogance of that though for a sec)would be like trying to 'contain' a wild mountain gorilla in a portaloo, it might work for a very short time but it's going to get ugly REAL quick.



(P.S. I'm not claiming China is the model of a virtuous state, not by any means, just that they're no better or worse than we are. )

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There's only so much meddling and aggression that anyone can put up with.

Fully agree. I know here in AU there was a suggestion a few months back that we should change our ways to that of the Shari'ah (if that's it) law and Aussies went nuts. It's exactly the same situation for them. Westerners are forcing them to live our way which, understandably, pisses them off.


I think we should just but the fuck out.


If you read 1984 and Brave New World you'll get a pretty good idea of what's planned and how much they've actually completed.

I have read 1984 but not Brave New World. 1984 is eerily like today.


(P.S. I'm not claiming China is the model of a virtuous state, not by any means, just that they're no better or worse than we are. )

I agree.

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