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Indoor Organics - Anyone bothered?

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I use bio, which is kind of a step back from organics. Anyone who knows Tick on overgrow would be aware that in the right organic soil mix you only need tap water and a few foliar feeds per ggrow to produce awesome clean buds. I am getting more and more tempted to go back to this method (it's how I began) but for 6 - 8 plants this is a lot of soil mix to deal with and be throwing out in an apartment on the second floor.

I used to only grow a couple of little plants like this. Any of the OS crew grow this way? Any thoughts. I like the idea of doing away with the res and pumps, etc.

Just thinking.


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Guest Urbanhog

organic is nice but low yeilder........


If you are the type that smoke weekends or couple of cones before bed or after work, for the quailty, but not the yeild, maybe its the way for you.


This method might be not good for heavy chronic potheads smoking endless cones day after day, as there might be not enough yeild to support their habit, unless you have a big commerical sized set ups. :rolleyes:

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Guest Urbanhog

I have tasted Organic Grown Bubblegum and Hydro Bubblegum, very noticeable differences, the organic was more clearer type of stone, still same effects as the hydro bubblegum, but more clearer if that makes any sense, very refreshing tasting smoke, while the hydro, you could get that mild chemical aftertaste, but not that bothered, still got me stoned, so thats good enough.


I have smoked fair bit of organic outdoors, but indoors, there's not many organic growers, I mean "organic purists" growers.

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Guest weekprik
This method might be not good for heavy chronic potheads smoking endless cones day after day

hey I resemble that remark :rolleyes: ;)


I have tasted Organic Grown Bubblegum and Hydro Bubblegum, very noticeable differences, the organic was more clearer type of stone, still same effects as the hydro bubblegum, but more clearer if that makes any sense, very refreshing tasting smoke, while the hydro, you could get that mild chemical aftertaste, but not that bothered, still got me stoned, so thats good enough.



Very true statement, I also tried the same strains and Where I normally just get stoned, I actually got a better buzz off the organic,

from what Ive tasted the best taste is organic and the best buzz is organic, But I just like getting stoned for my meds and Hydro does that better, faster and easier to fix mistakes as they show up straight away, usually once something shows on organic its taken awhile to show meaning it also takes longer to remedy the problem.


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Look into A+B Organics nutrients, (sorry, don't have a better name than that, black bottle, has a pic of an orchid on the front... badly drawn... :rolleyes: ) a full spectrum nutrient derived from completely organic sources, and yet instantly available to plants in hydro systems because it's already been reduced to the absorbable forms...


These are a little expensive where I am, I think they come from south oz, but not sure... They also make some additives and boosters, but the standard nutes are moderately new to the scene here anyway. They cost about $25 for the 1L and 60 something for the 4.... pretty steep considering you can get yourself a single part 4l pack for the same or less than the 1l set... Of course it's up to the individual grower...


I think organics in the grow room is something that will go far in the future... as we understand plant physiology and biochemistry better we will be growing plants in ways we never dreamed possible before... Hydroponics is something that would gain a lot from organics being understood better, imagine self sufficient vegetable and fish/crustacean greenhouses, completely organic with no net damage caused to the environment, with all the byproducts of the crops being recycled back into the system... and any wastes produced are completly organic and biodegradeable....


Sounds like fantasy or science fiction? It's the future... Bio-ponics, hydro-organics, whatever you want to call it, it's definitely something worth humanities investment in... ;)

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Guest Wilderbud

Ive used slow release fertilizer (Osmocote Indoor) for my plants which are 2-6 weeks old. They got a bit of burn from it but seem to be growing OK.


The first time I grew a few plants in vermiculture/perlite I used an organic fertilizer for grow+bloom and the plants grew very fast (including roots), stayed short during flower and didnt hiccup at all. I changed the mixture every month in the flood and drain setup even though the nutrients container was covered and aerated and I pre-mixed the nutrients 3 days before flushing for 6 hours (on a 1 hour flood).


The hydro shop owner I bought nutrients and medium from told me to try this method as it was very good (he showed me a row of 2 week old plants that sat in the window and they were definately not seedlings) and I couldnt say no (the fruit tasted better also supposedly - heh).


I prefer an soil-based organic mix although its a lot harder than soil-less hydro/aeroponics until you get it right (Im still experimenting with mediums but will use the same nutes - next grow [im doing it on a budget for now]).


PS. sounds like what Luke Skywalker is talking about but it was a hydro shop mix (not branded) IIRC (Ill check soon and edit this) - the bloom was about $10 more expensive. :D

Edited by Wilderbud
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