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PVC pipe "springer" bongs are bad!?

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It's a glass spring valley juice bottle with a ~30 cm piece of pvc pipe, with stem n cone attached, in it and more affectionately referred to as a springer. I've been whole heartedly devoted to mine for some time only to find out they're really quite bad for your health (or so the woman at off ya tree told me)


I inquired to whether they had pvc pipe and she began a small lecture on how the smoke reacts with the plastic and goes toxic or something like that. This has got me worried and was wondering if anyone can confirm this or tell me if they've heard anything similar.


note: i know hose stems, foil cones, and gatorade chambers are a recipe for death and they taste like it too, but i figured cuz the smokes already been filtered through normal means by the time it reaches the pvc plastic with springers that it wouldn't matter.


take it easy all and toke on



Edited by Pete
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Guest Babybear

"Spring Shed" Dont use it to offten any more , I've heard that amsterdam has them band , but to lazy to looks sorry dudes,

cracky shit not happening to mine as yet so all sweet , I useing a home made atm Its weird a friend made it for me and the shotty is at the front ;) :rolleyes:)

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Hi All,


Like many materials, there are different grades. Don't use the stuff from hardware stores, it's only industrial grade which is the cheapest & all hardware stores need. It's not suitable for smoking gear, this also applies to garden hose.


You need to get Food Grade (food contact / medical) from a good bong shop or plastics distributor. At the moment the different coloured tube that's getting around on the market for springer tube is the good stuff. I say at the moment because some of the people bringing in cheap import pipes & bongs can't really be trusted to do the right thing.


I just hope that if they do get into the springers they do the right thing. If it's not old, the industrial grade stinks, whereas the food grade doesn't & it's easy to tell the difference. Trouble is, if it's had a chance to age, the smell may go & it'd be impossible to tell the difference. The thinner plastic hookah tube etc used in Australian made smoking gear is all food grade, it's fine for mouthpieces etc.



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fanx heaps crow you've really taught me something,


well i went back to off ya tree, and talked to the guy and he said something along the lines of, the pvc pipe in springers are set at cool temps so react to smoke at any temperature by releasing plastic toxins and his proof of this was how hard it is to clean a springer. Then he re-enforced his point by mentioning that he smoked wif some ppls that had only been smoking 4 years and he could out rip them in cone size cuz he only uses glassies.. well food for thought anyone with a springer out there!


take it easy all



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Guest GrowMad
I used to smoke a springy for years, but recently I've gone out and bought a glass bong. I was told a long time ago that the pvc wasn't so good for ya, but I got the glass pipe becasue it's a lot easier to keep clean. I also found the springy's end up tasting like shit because they just build up heaps of tar on the pvc and ya can't clean it off... Plus u get a heap of 'bong chocolate' around ya lips that tastes like shit if u lick your lips...
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