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Guerrilla Growing in the Veggie Garden

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Hi all I thought I would post here about my little beauties in the garden.

And more so it is a serious case of "Guerrilla Growing".

Having moved to central QLD 6 months ago, away from my usual supply of fine smoke (scoreing off the same person regually for over 10 years) I never thought about growing my own. Having been busted twice over the last 10 years I would of never grown anything at home (outside or inside). The "PIGS" made me and my partner feel like CRIMINALS!! over $50 bucks worth of pot and a pipe and some old seeds.................To make things worse the "PIGS" were young enough to be my Kids,and treated me like a Kid!! :nono:

Well since then like I said I have moved to the bush, I was back down in Brissie in Sept seeing my fanily and dropped in on my old Friend/contact and scored some nice weed ...but alas it was seedless head, anyway I was visiting another ol'mate of mine and he scored $50 bucks worth of nice pot........and there were 2 seeds!! (which I bought home) :scratchin:

Before I went to Brissie I had setup 3 veggie garden beds, and was letting them rest while away.

Soil setup Sandy to semi clay soil up here, so I dug it down about 18inches added Dolomite to break it up, as these are raised garden beds useing old railway sleepers I then added lots of hores poo,Dynamic lifter and all purpose fertalizer and lots of sandy loam soil. I then rested them for a month turned over and weeded the beds dug down to the clay level and put a layer of hores poo under the sandy top soil. Bore water up here so water is not a problem!

Planted my veggies and setup the middle bed for "Guerrilla Growing"

For cammo I have Cucumbers Tomatoes and Capsicum plants with the Pot in the centre,flanked by the outside garden beds.

The soil is well drained and everything is growing like crazy!...I waited till everything had a good head start before planting the goodies! I took a chance and just dropped the seeds straight in the garden as I had nowhere to germinated and grow seedlings, Well they both germinated and came up!! :applause:

The gardens average about 7 hours of sunlight a day, they miss out on a bit of morning sun as there is a gum tree casting a bit of a shadow in the morning. I am hoping I might get a male and a female to get some seeds for next time, but if not I will try to get cuttings even if they end up both males, as I still dont know about this importing seeds (Bit Scared) I will be tieing them down so they dont stand out too much amonst the other veggies.

The Ironic part of my Guerrilla Growing exercise is that the Cop Shop is about 250 meters away accross the street and a park, now if I can pull this off it has to be real "Guerrilla Growing" :whistle:

I feel this is a case of Sweet Revenge so close to the Bastards.

I will keep everyone posted on my progress.........................



Edited by Hotrod13
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Cheers Cone Head I hope it all goes well fingers xrossed I would'nt mind a smoke its been so long :crybaby: Tipped them today..and smoked the tips not going to waste anything not much BUZZ but great Psychological value, still no idea of the sex topped up the beds with some great compost I have been brewing more pics when they start branching, but all outdoor growers must be wondering about the weather at the moment.............................. Edited by Hotrod13
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hi hotrod, sounds like youv gotit all sussed out 7 houres of direct sun is perfect !! but hope you know wen the tomattos die off ull be left with all your cover gorn, corn lasts abit better, but sunflowers are the best they last the longest,

an growing under the cops nose is probly the safest lol



Hi just saw your post as I was posting thats where the Capsicums and chilli's come in they dont die off and will last the distance

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Well the little buggers are slow I think not growen for 20 yrs so I guess I'm a bit stale but at approx 6 weeks now I thought they might be a bit taller or more robust. but anyway they are healthy and branching, sex unknown as yet, but I belive the seeds were from a Hydro strain so I guess we shall see what we shall see fingers xrossed they are girls


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gday and welcome

im a bit lost

u call it guerilla growing and then i see u mention veggie garden

i assume u have the patch not on your land and u arent allowed to be there?

thats pretty cool if u have managed that

i thought id share with all the true meaning of guerilla growing

well the first 2 lines of it from wikipedia


Guerrilla gardening is gardening on another person's land without permission. It encompasses a very diverse range of people and motivations, from the enthusiastic gardener who spills over their legal boundaries to the highly political gardener who seeks to provoke change through direct action.


all the bst for the grow and hope u yield mass monsters

all the best


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