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Direct sun light

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Time...the bigger the plant the bigger the yield. A good 5-6 hours direct sunlight, plenty of water & food will give you the desired outcome.


What many don't realize is this : for a gram of plant matter (leaf,stem,bud) made, a gram of nutrient has been consumed (eaten by plant), This is from nutrients in the soil & what you pour over her.


As for water....it takes 200 parts of water to pass through her to make one part of dried plant matter. Example...1kg of dried plant has taken 200kg of water to produce. 1kg of water is 1 litre. Factor all this in & you'll be right.

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hate to be a smart arse but plants definately dont "eat" 1 g of nutes for each gram of dry matter produced. Even nitrogen, the richest mineral nutrient in plants, accounts for about 3% of dry matter mainly as proteins. A large majority of plant dry matter is carbohydrates, structural, non-structural, and their metabolites. These are made from photosynthesis with takes good old carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to make. Mineral nutrients just serve as helpers in the biochemistry along the way. This is why i have long critised the emphasis weed growers place on nutes. Nutes are only a very small part of the picture. Also for water the plant can prob do better then the proposed water use efficiency. Water used by deep roots is used very efficiently, although trials are not done on weed, in other C3 crops deep water can almost give a 1:1 yield!!! This is why we can grow wheat in the mallee. which is why for guerilla growing i strongly recommend getting as much water deep into the profile as possible. this is acheived by good drainage a petrol powered water pump and flooding them !!
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Interesting comments, GIY. I'm not the world's foremost expert on ganja cultivation but I do research and observe.


My first foray into growing was in the mid 80's & I pruchased "The Sinsemilla Technique" by Kayo....a groundbreaking book in its day. On page 61 he writes..."For every ounce of matter produced by growing plants-roots, stems, leaves,flowers and seeds-an ounce of nutrients will have been processed. These nutrients are inorganic minerals and compounds from the environment which plants synthesize into organic plant tissue."


I have also observed that a potted plant, if just given water, grows so slowly & spindly. Another which is given fertilizer will flourish...surely the nutrients are responsible for the increaseed growth & yield??? Many on here can readily identify a deficiency of a particular mineral by the appearance/non appearance of certain characteristics on the plants. Yellowing of leaves is normally associated with nitrogen & brown edges from magnesium.


As for water...stick a mullie out in the scrub & forget her. go back in a few months & she's compost. Water her regularly(she has shallow feet) & on a hot day you can almost hear her grow. Water is ESSENTIAL for the uptake of nutrients from the soil...through the roots....& out the leaves. It also maintains tugor(pressure to maintain rigidity of cellular structure). Also a growing plant is 90% water...we're growing a plant with a very high metabolism that needs lots of food & lots of water to achieve the best possible harvest.


But hey....that's my opinion!!!

Edited by mungas
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hey mate everyones post is their opinion. Your book from the 80's was prob an awesome grow guide but a terrible plant physiology book.

Of course the plants need ferts for max yield especially in pots because so much gets leached. My point is simply there is way too much emphasis. Really a few big or a number of small doses of pretty much any general fert is fine. If wanna be slightly technical use high N early and High PK flowering.

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