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Clone Transfer

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Hey all I've asked this before, however I would like some input from the coco pros,


first time grower, starting with coco, have some clones I need to transplant from soil to coco, anyone able to provide a fairly simple process?


Also, anyone know a great quality coco supplier in WA(also general hydroponic supplier would be great). I'm keen to shop around and such ofxourse referals would be great.


I will spend the extra buck for quality assurance and once I get going expect loads of pics!

The strain is great white and I'll be putting it into a feed and drain 100%coco system. 4 plants in what I believe are 30L pots. (if any of that info helps)

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Hi mate, :wave:

From past experience with seedlings...soil to hydro...i carefully dug out the seedlings and then gently dunked the rootball into a rhizotonic mix(bucket of water with rhizotinic and PH balanced) until all the soil come off....then i very gently draped the roots over my fingers, using the water to sprawl them out in the process.....

So in this case i would be doing the same, but when it comes time to planting them, make sure they go into pre cleaned coco and then water them in well with PH balanced/rhizotonic adjusted nutrient mix.........then just wait till the coco dries out b4 feeding/watering next.


good luck,

and stay stealth!


Chron :disguise:

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Hey all I've asked this before, however I would like some input from the coco pros,


first time grower, starting with coco, have some clones I need to transplant from soil to coco, anyone able to provide a fairly simple process?


Also, anyone know a great quality coco supplier in WA(also general hydroponic supplier would be great). I'm keen to shop around and such ofxourse referals would be great.


I will spend the extra buck for quality assurance and once I get going expect loads of pics!

The strain is great white and I'll be putting it into a feed and drain 100%coco system. 4 plants in what I believe are 30L pots. (if any of that info helps)

This sounds like a job for TTTTTTHHHHHHEEEEE HHHOOOPPPPPPPPEERRRR!!!!! :gunsmilie:

Our man in the wild west!!!! :applause:

:bongon: :bong: wiet

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BUcket of ph adjusted water 5.8


Have new coco preflushed with 5.8 water or if just bought cana or nutifield they ok.


Gently unpot ya clone , n dunk in water, the soil should just float off.....if not gently move en round til it does :)


Now repot the clone into the new coco pot as ya would treat any other plant. Give a light feed with nutes n off ya go.......


best of luck :yahoo:

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Gday mate.I havent been growing long indoors.This is just my 3rd outing but this grow is going superb.All my plants have been from seed as I havent strted cloning indoors yet.I transfer my seedlings from soil to coco.All I do is dig the rootball out,shake off half the soil mix and put them straight into the bucket of coc.Nothing fancy dont flush them wash them or anything else and havent had a drama yet.They may stunt for a half a week or so from the shock but once those roots branch out they make up for it.

Richgro in Jandakot bags coco peat in plain plastic bags and onsells it.Its fairly cheap.I have never had to flush it and havent had a problem.There is also a few stores round that way but any hydro store will stock coco peat.

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