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Estimating the potency and value of weed.

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I have noticed, that from the dealer I have (who by the way is an OUTSTANDING dealer- I LOVE HIM) that I get an enormous variety of weed, but that it is always of reasonable quality- its never trash, it never has seeds, its dried properly etc.


But sometimes an ounce of weed will last a person so long, and the next ounce will last a different amount of time, and the person might have trouble seperating variations in their smoking patterns vs the quality and value of the weed and how it influenced how long the amount lasted.


If you have multiple sources of weed of consistent quality, how can you figure out which one is the best one economically for you to be spending your money on as a smoker?


For example I have noticed that some batches of weed I get are quite different in size, though they always weigh correctly 1 OZ.


So some weed is more dense than other weed.


Also some weed is more potent than other weed.


It can make quite a lot of difference if you get dense, small weed which overall is of low potency versus getting light, but potent weed which is larger in volume and size.


Obviously you want to look for weed that is not dense, but that is strong. A "large" looking bag that has potent THC genetics.


This sort of weed lasts you much longer.


So to compare various batches of weed, you need to make sure they are all the same uniform weight, and you need to measure their volume, and also estimate the potency.


To estimate the potency I suggest getting a highly experienced long term weed smoker who smokes a stable, consistent amount of marijuana in their life (a long term smoker who smokes a few cones before bed is ideal). Give them a small sample of your weed and ask them to try and smoke about the same amount (ie 1 cone) each time. Ask them to rank the weed (of course you might be doing this yourself).


I'd give them three ranking options to reduce the chance of inaccuracy and subjectivness coming into the picture:


* Strong


* Average


* Weak


You can work out a rating system, so that batches of weed can be given a potency and value estimate.


Something like Volume Multiplied By Estimated Potency (or actual potency if you can get a chemical analyse of the amount of THC). I'd give strong the value of 1.5, average the value of 1, and weak the value of .5


Then weed could be given a "Weed Rating Value" of something like 70 for one weed and 120 for another weed etc.


I haven't figured out the volume part yet as I have yet to locate a suitable container for estimating the volume of weed.


Just the weed I have got is so light, but so potent.. Its the best weed ever. It made me realize that there needs to be a way to measure and identify the potential value of the weed.


I don't know maybe I am just stoned, but it seemed like a good idea at the time :rolleyes: hahahaha


If anyone would like me to continue developing this formula, and finish and neaten this up just let me know ^_^ But if all of you could measure the weed you have this way, and in an easy way, it would give people a way to compare the product they have... Anyway seeyas

Edited by cybergenesis
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I think unless u know the grower personally and the strains he grows, the times he pulls em each run maybe u could sort something out, but as each batch is different and ur scoring off different ppl who r always getting new weed might be hard to come up with a system if u dont know what ur smoking.


Best bet if find out the name of the weed, see what ppl say in seed banks bout em taste potency ect ect n see whats it already been scored :rolleyes: But just cause white widow might be a 9 outa 10 for example doesnt mean the grower didnt need bit more cash this run pulled it bit early thus affecting quality.......Now how do u keep proper score without knowing these things.


And as a grower no way i gona be discussing that with the average bloke trying to get best for his buck

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