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Quest For Justice

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Former Supreme Court judge Ken Crispin reflects on a lifetime in the justice system, in his new book Quest For Justice.


ABC: 730 Report - tonight, all round good interview, starts speaking on the WAR ON DRUGS at around 14min 40seconds, hes got some really

sensible views.

Book might be worth a read


LINK : http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2010/s2911436.htm

Edited by Fibrofeend
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Great article, thanks for that fibro.

I love the sentence where Ken Crispin says:


"What courts essentially do is cause harm to somebody else, that is, the defendant, and that harm must be considered in the context of the overall justice of the courts and there is a simplistic approach that."


Courts cause harm. So does inhaling petrol. Lets ban both?

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Thanks Fibrofeend, to pain free daze mate ;)




Ahh its a beautiful thing ;) Nice of you to say so now Ken, shame you didn't earlier hey :)


Interesting how many retired magistrates speak out similarly, after a career of working with (for?) prohibition.

The court sections of newspapers are daily printing quotes from magistrates who say things like:


Cannabis causes addiction, violence, mental illness etc etc you have to wonder if they are either ignorant or being purposely deceptive to continue the court 'business as usual' ;)


As for politicians, the ones holding onto the drug war


Cheers champ, yeah you are on the money. It really is going to take more high profile people to put their head on the chopping block while they are still in these positions, to get some more movement on things.


All the same is still better than nothing, this and now 60 mins tonight giving some balanced coverage to this issue.


Still live with hope that the tide may turn in this great land.

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I also find it interesting that he spent his whole career making criminals out of drug users, thus profiting himself off the war on drugs, and now he's retired he's doing the same thing. No war on drugs, no chapter in his book...As you say, quite interesting he said nothing during all those years sitting in judgement.


But I also acknowledge that having someone of his stature speak out in such a way can ultimately only be good for the cause.

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Yep ... ^ every little bit helps and I agree with the comments above ...


I don't have much to say on the issue at this moment but was musing on the title whilst making some Toast and Loading the page ...


I think the whole idea of "justice" is a fallacy ... An illusionary sentiment used by the powermongers to keep the masses following their rule. Much like all organized religions. Keep them thinking that free will and and humanity and karma (or God) prevails so everything will work out for the best it could be.

The harder I think of it ... the less likely I feel I could come up with any sense of actual "justice" ... whether in the real and natural envorinment or the fucked up societies we find ourselves living in these days. ;) There is no such thing as justice and the very thought of the notion is absurd , derogatory and meaningless. As I See it.


Well , thats as much as my thoughts will allow for now.

Cheerz ... It just is ;)


Budman ;)

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They say you can never go home again.


  Well, you can. Only you might find yourself staying at a Trave Lodge, driving a rented Ford Contour and staking out your childhood home like some noir private eye just trying to catch a glimpse of the Johnny-come-latelys that are now living in YOUR HOUSE.

luna gold,

  It's a familiar story. luna gold Kids grow up, parents sell the family home and move to some sunnier climate, some condo somewhere, some smaller abode. We grown up kids box up all the junk from our childhoods

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