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Medical Marijuana: Federal Ignorance, Misinformation & Lies

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Several recent web postings have presented lists of dozens of diseases for which marijuana/cannabis is highly beneficial.


(MOLALLA, Ore.) - You have probably read about my take on this subject. It continues to be of great importance as more and more states are waking up, coming out of the Reefer Madness closet and finally recognizing the FACT that marijuana/cannabis is really a MIRACLE MEDICINE highly effective for literally hundreds of diseases.


The fact that it is a mild euphoriant brain stimulant substance gives it an added benefit which almost no other medicine can claim. As such, it is not a bit like Amphetamines and METH which are powerful brain stimulants but also highly addictive and even lethally toxic.


At the same time, NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse), and NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) keep on printing and blathering about how DANGEROUS cannabis/marijuana is. They have not been able to find ONE person who has been killed by this DEVIL WEED.


Information about this has existed for some time. Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a leader in the advocacy and education about cannabis, published his book Marijuana Medical Papers 1839-1972 which according to Wikipedia, "became a landmark in the modern movement for the legalization of Medical marijuana."


As a Schedule One drug, the U.S. Government states that marijuana/cannabis has no legitimate medical use. The Government grows it and dispenses it freely to several patients. Besides that, they approved MARINOL, the pure leading agent in marijuana/cannabis and recommend it for several diseases for which I must say it is not very effective. In some cases it causes severe panic attacks, if it is not vomited up, though it is recommended for treatment of nausea & vomiting from Cancer chemotherapy and HIV-AIDS chemotherapy. It seems Government schizophrenia is rampant in NIDA and NIMH. Why else?


Several recent web postings have presented lists of dozens of diseases for which marijuana/cannabis is highly beneficial. Storm Crow's list, see stories below, is certainly the best, she even gives medical references, but several other lists have also been posted over the years, by people such as my good friend, the late Dr. Tod Mikuriya.


Despite all this, NIDA and NIMH still blather about their totally discredited misinformation and LIES. They are shameless in accepting pay for being such liars. I only wish I could get a patent copyright on the lies they blather. I would be a very rich man.


I have been studying the Pharmacology and Therapeutics of marijuana/cannabis for over 50 years and I have written dozens of articles about it, visit Salem-News.com Articles written by Dr. Phil Leveque.


I have had hundreds of email responses and a few responses disagreeing with me on minor points but the facts remain; marijuana/cannabis is one of the safest, most effective medicines ever found by man.




CBD- The Other Healing Cannabinoid Part 1 - Storm Crow for Salem-News.com


CBD and Cancer Part 2 - Storm Crow for Salem-News.com


CBD and Diabetes Part 3 - Storm Crow for Salem-News.com




Dr. Phillip Leveque has degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and minors in physiology and biochemistry. He was a Professor of Pharmacology, employed by the University of London for 2 years, during which time he trained the first doctors in Tanzania. After training doctors, he became an Osteopathic Physician, as well as a Forensic Toxicologist.



Before any of that, Phil Leveque was a Combat Infantryman in the U.S. Army in WWII. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more than 60 years after the war, and specialized in treating Veterans with PTSD during his years as a doctor in Molalla, Oregon. Do you have a question, comment or story to share with Dr. Leveque?

Email him: ASK DR. LEVEQUE


More information on the history of Dr. Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of WWII about his own experiences "from a foxhole". Order the book by mail by following this link: DOGFACE SOLDIER OF WWII If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.


Author: Phil Leveque

Date : 10 February 2010

Source: Salem News


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