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Dog destroyed half my plants :(

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I agree with everyones comments about the dog. I know I shouldn't have done it, I completely lost control of my temper and I do feel bad about it. I don't believe in what I did. Thankfully the dog is fine, and its moved on now.


It was dumped on me by one of the kids (my friends kids), and nobody would take it. I have never liked small dogs at all, and I never liked this dog.. It frequently would wake me up at night and poo in the house, despite repeated attempts to train it otherwise (and the lab learned very fast). It always get under my feet etc... Grrrr I have never liked it one bit.


I have always had a problem with anger, when I was about 5 my parents took me to various specialists etc about my "explosive rages". I guess I have a bad temper, not excusing it, need to work on it more. There is nothing the dog could have done more to have pissed me off, I was screaming my head off at the top of my lungs for over an hour. Rarely loose my temper these days, but this time got me.


I never would hit a child though, I regard children as the most precious thing in life (followed by weed >:(), I guess I didn't have much respect for the dog, I was tolerating it.


I did EVERYTHING in my power to stop it getting at the plants, it jumped over a 1.5 meter high barrier- the best I could do. It went from table to table (it had to jump back on the ground then jump onto the next table) and basically VANDALIZED my plants. I have put a LOT of effort into them.


The dog is okay, but I did feel I crossed a line, and it doesn't feel good. I'm just thankful I didn't seriously hurt it- I was out of control. Seriously when I get that angry my mind races at 1000 miles per hour, and I act before I think.


I'm going to take it as a lesson to work on my temper on the rare occasion I get that angry.. Next time I get that angry I am walking away- out the house or where ever I am... Thats what I tell my housemate, she occasionally pisses me off. I don't lose my temper as bad as I did at the dog, but I walk away from her when I am getting really angry.. It took her a few goes to figure out when I am really angry, I walk away- leave me alone until I cool off!


My final word is: I do not in anyway condone violence against animals or anybody. Violence is not cool, and only acceptable in self defense, if you have no other option. Its a shame I hadn't smoked any weed that day, I just can't get angry when I'm stoned!

Edited by cybergenesis
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Smoke the dogs >:(


But on a more serious note: Violence breeds Violence :peace:


What would happen if the neighbors kids snapped branches retrieving a ball.....(probably impossible but...)

Not my intention to cast aspersions, glad you had the knackers to admitted what you had done. And can be possible to use your possible feelings of guilt and remorse to think about how to react to similar stressful situations.


And if not.............Smoke the dog B)


As for the neighbors kid, I would never hit a kid- ever ever ever. If I hit a kid I would call the police on myself, I really would.


I guess right or wrong, I didn't view this dog that was dumped on me, as important as my "project". But if kids destroyed it, kids are WAY more important than any crop.

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Splints will work ....


I find this more troubling though

>>> we have HEAPS of visitors over all the time, and too many people know about it <<<


Mate when your plants bud up one of those visitors is going to rip them .... no matter how much you trust them the temptation is going to be too great, free bud or money will win out every time .... I have seen this happen to people countless times, and it's always the person you least expect.

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