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Substitutions for Bong Water

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Hey guys, im interested to know everyones experiences with using different liquids for bong water.

I've heard people say they've used milk, beer, apple juice, etc.


i want to know what you've tried and how you think it affected the taste and high.


Hey Crunchy

Liquids with alcohol absorb THC - The stronger the Alcohol the less THC reaches your bloodstream. But I must admit some good spirits make for a great smoothness. The big catch to bongs is transportation of moisture to your respiratory system -

Bacteria easily builds up in dirty bongs and I'm sure we've all seen/used em at different times. Many of the people I know who suck on bongs have a perpetual phlegmy cough (juicy lungs)


Milk is good as long as you change it - Give it to the neighbors cat he he :thumbsup:

I prefer dry bong type pipes ( I have a 'dry' bong made from a clay flower vase. Cool as and no nasty germs into the lungs )

Activated charcoal in the bottom make a cool smooth smoke instead of water...


The idea of water is to cool and smoothen the smoke... Plastic drink bottles are the worst for your health. If you smoke through a tissue you'll see what's going in your lungs, and all that tar is poison (carcinogenic)

the safest way is to not smoke pot at all (cooking just lasts so much longer) or use a vaporiser

*look here Vaporisers


At least if you don't see reason to not smoke a bong use a hookah with a long stem and hose. A tall bottle *you can get em on many supermarkets n 'cheapie' shops are good to drill a hole or 2 if you like a 'shottie'. A ceramic or masonary drill works fine to drill a bottle. Even make a longer stem. But no matter what you chose to use- ALWAYS keep it clean. Make cleaning a ritual - (yuk as it is )


There is plenty of advise on the net *I call Google "the Great Oracle"




Edited by Oz
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add some listerine mouth wash for a menthol effect

That (Listerine) would also help to kill the nasties... When the bubbles burst in the liquid, *bong water etc, you suck atomised water into your lungs - This is a perfect transport medium for any germs that breed in the liquid. Listerine and other natural oils - Peppermint, menthol, mint etc, are usually deadly to bacteria . But with pure essential oils use only a drop or 2..... Eucalyptus must be good - Koalas always look pretty ripped :thumbsup:


Woo woo a new taste sensation



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Funny stuff :D

I've used a few different things , but to be honest there is Nothing I know of better than clean cool water ...

I guess that's why it's the popular choice :thumbsup: heheh


I remember the first time trying with either Beer or some sort of Soft Drink :)

Note : Let it go flat first if you want to try this ... I remember the whole liquid just turning into froth and filling the Bong :bow:

Everything made the smoke harsh and taste shit from memory , Cordial yuk , fruit Juice yuk , Milk yuk , Booze yuk (wouldn't waste Spirits but I assume yuk there too :P) , Slush Puppy no good , Soft Drink no good ... Yoghurt ... ? B) heheheh ew.


Ice in the Bong is o.k. but I found that Really cold water and ice was very intense to the lungs ... flavour seems good no worries but potent bud in the cone can be very very chesty (in a good way if ya like the chest hit ;))

Ice suits a medium to large bong , especially in summertime from my reminiscing :)


Never tried adding any essential oils in the water , again I think it would make the smoke more harsh and ruin the flavour ... but considering some people enjoy flavoured bluntwraps and the like there might be some interesting combinations of aroma to be had for those who enjoy those type of flavours.

I do remember trying Vanilla essence and Honeyed water etc when I was quite young , I wasn't impressed with the results and actually (ahh the memories come flooding back B) ) I have tried with a small amount of Bundy Rum before , had a huge "Whooping" cough before finishing the cone because of the vapours :peace: not pleasant. heheh.


Anyhoo , Thanks for the laugh and the memories :D

That's all from me.



Budman :peace:


Hmmm , Better go rinse my Bong ... :(

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