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Thanks fellas :D

I`ve been lazy with these bubs, letting them dry out and not giving them enough sunlight, so things havent gone far at all. :) .....

One of the CDxSS is looking ill while the other is the healthiest of them all :)

The trifoliate C99 has merged back into normal growth and the BBxNL is just sitting steady :D

post-14930-1254614059_thumb.jpgpost-14930-1254614392_thumb.jpgpost-14930-1254614473_thumb.jpgpost-14930-1254614543_thumb.jpgpost-14930-1254614614_thumb.jpgpost-14930-1254614724_thumb.jpg post-14930-1254614799_thumb.jpg

i`ll move em into full light and start feeding them with a stronger dose of super sauce to see if i can get em crankn :D




Stay tuned,







Me :/

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nah mate, i always put the beans in with the pointy end facing downwards....like have the dimpled bit(part where the seed attaches) facing up......always got good results.....most of these beans were green and white(crud)

After about 3days i scrape the surface to see if the beans have popped and if they`ve developed a long enough tap root i pry the seed casing off with a pointy twig and force them into starting.......always got very good results.


probably highly unorthodox but ahwell :D


Hope that helps some. B)





hey chron, thats what i do to. I found with my last batch of seeds that tail down worked great, they then lifted well but i found that almost ALL of them had trouble splitting the seed off some form of thin protective film over them, had some that wen i hand removed the seed they had even started developing their serrated leaves inside the pod looked cool.


love the looks of that tri-folate. I love growing plants that aren't quite right :wave: makes it much more fun when one is developing all funky. will be keeping an eye on these to see how the deformed baby goes once bigger :huh:

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woot woot, fort wenty :blink:

well i went out there, told em shroomy said hurry the fark up n offered to give em the chop if they didnt get their arse`s into gear and ya know what they said to mi?........


nothing,....they`re farkn plants :D


:wave: nah, i think the potting mix is shit, it holds too much water......that and the fact that they need a pot upsize B)





Stay bEnT,




Me :huh:

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