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OK ...


Now that things are back on track here, we need to get up and running.


We need to choose a name for this organisation, so that a banner can be made for use at the NCPIC conference that is coming up in Sydney on 7-9 September 2009. (see here for info and contact person if you can be in Sydney then.... LMM's post for activists attending Sydney



Here is a list of SOME previous suggestions. I have removed ACIC and NCIC from the list as I know they are under consideration by another group and I don't want to cause confusion with the public in general by having two groups with the same name. I also removed duplicate names, and nonsense ones.


ACLRA Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association


CLRAA Cannabis Law Reform Association Australia


CAFE Cannabis Association For Equality


CODE Cannabis Organisation for Decriminalisation and Equality


CFP - Cannabis For Pain


CLR Cannabis Law Reform


NACLRA National Australian Cannabis Law Reform Association


ACCS Australians for Cannabis Common Sense


ASA Australians for Safe Access


LCAA Legalise Cannabis Alliance Australia


ACTR Australians for Cannabis Taxation and Regulation


ACA Australian Cannabis Alliance


ACCA Australian Cannabis Consumers Association


ACCCA Australian Cannabis Consumers and Cultivators Association


ACA Australians for Cannabis Awareness


CAA Cannabis Awareness Australia


ACRA Australian Cannabis Re-education Association


AFCA australian foundation of cannabis awareness


CFA cannabis foundation australia


AACP Australians Against Cannabis Prohibition


CANA Cannabis Awareness Network of Australia


NCREC National Council for Regulation and Education of Cannabis


STOP Sensible Taxpayers Opposing Prohibition



If you want to add any more suggestions you have til midnight EST on THURSDAY 6th AUGUST to put them in this topic.











Edited by MadamePandora
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CAAP- Cannabis Awareness Against Prohibition

CAA- Cannabis Awareness Australia

AAUP- Australians Against Unfair Prohibition


Not sure which names I like at this point , still tossing up in my own mind whether the use of cannabis in the name will cause issues at the door before the message is even heard, though there are certainly bigger issues to overcome and perhaps using it is a more powerful a message to the public than it is a problem.


good thing we don't have to vote today :yahoo:

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though it may be perceived as humorous I ask if DACCA, Democratic Australian Cannabis Consumer Association, has been suggested.


The 'hook' to a slang term for MJ is deliberate, as is the inclusion of the term 'democratic'.


I can see that there are arguments both for and against such, just thought I'd put it on the table.

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I have been thinking along the lines of something a little more potent.

"Why the Law is wrong"

Is straight and to the point and does not need to be abbreviated.

Why mirror the other lobbyist groups with abbreviations for a catchy statement. Y not have the catchy in your face option that something along the lines of "Why the Law is Wrong"

It straight away makes you not just another lobbyist group it makes u the lobbyist group

Just throwing that sort of style of name out there. Spokesperson for the ACCA while sounding professional sounds like all the other groups. Spokesperson for Why the Law is Wrong even in me stirs interest straight away and makes me want to perk up and listen as it makes a statement. Every single time it’s heard.


though i get why u want to sound like everyone else, just is that always a good thing

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ooo can you feel the excitement i can



ACREC Australian Council for Regulation and Education of Cannabis

I know it doesnt have a short nick name but it says it all Regulation and Education


Thought i would replace National With Australian its better for oversees publicity so people actually know from the name where its going on

Edited by LawnMowerMan
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I know it is late in the game to be adding ideas, but what about something like the "C8" - (Cannabis 8). As in one leading group which has the other sub groups under it's umbrella, if you get what I mean.


medicinal - obvious

recreational - as a safer alternative

spiritual - religious purposes

industrial - ropes, plastics, soaps etc

environmental - biofuel, alternative oils etc

myths and misconceptions - debunking the propaganda

factual education - educational programs for public and schools

laws and regulations - how we think it should be controlled to stop kids getting it etc



There are going to be people who are more interested in helping out in one particular area, so breaking it up into smaller groups, which is overseen by one major group kind of makes sense to me.

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:yahoo: Interesting idea Price, 'why is the law wrong' will draw people to find out what the organization is about rather than using the word 'cannabis' which is more likely turn many away without looking. It could also work easily with iamnotacops idea too, with that as the main organization then have it broken down into different groups that educate where the laws are wrong in the sub-categories you listed.


Peace MongyMan

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Good points! In a world BOMBARDED with acronyms I think we should break the mold and have something more memorable. These days every acronym sounds like the last. The only one that instantly hit me from the first list was STOP.


I like C8, STOP and Why the law is Wrong. They're unique and instantly recognisable.

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