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Just starting to get into growing here, but I'm still unsure about exactly what type of potting mix/soil to look for. I live in Perth, Western Australia and i was wondering if any other growers in WA could recommend some tried and proven potting mixes. The ones i've been able to find in K-mart all seem to have timed released ferts which has been causing problems with my first set of plants that I experimented with.Also have been told that soil that is ACIDIC is no good and soil that is alkaline is no good as such am seeking advice on correct soil/potting mix to purchase that preferably have all that is needed to grow succsesfully in.Or correct soil to purchase and add own nutrients in ect,ect.

By the way am going to be growing in SOIL/POTTING MIX but under LIGHTS.

I was thinking of going down to Bunnings and checking there, but there'll be an even bigger variety there and I'm still unsure what type of potting mix/soil I should be looking for here in Australia.Would love to be able to just go into a store and get the right soil am unsure if soil that is used to grow tommatoes is ideal.

It seems that in America they have soils you can purchase and all u need do is germinate ones seeds then place purchased soil into pots and then plant germinated seed.Damn they got evrything in America!

Well if anyone knows of a fully ideal potting soil mix that is avail please let me know .Thank you


PS ~Peat seems to be no good iether or am I incorrect?Is soil that is sold in nurserys to plant tommatos in ideal or are tommatos a acidic/alkaline loving plant ?

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'Tomatoes like their soil pH around 6.0 to 6.8' and I think low 6's are suggested for MJ, so reasonably close. Certainly close enough that the addition of something would turn 'tomato soil' into 'MJ soil'.


I had an old bag of what I think isn't the best potting mix, mixed with some dirt (25%?) from the rosegrden. PH 'colour test' puts it a little over 6 so I'm fairly certain the problem I was having, seemingly solved with foliar feeding, was low nutrient value in the (barky) potting mix.


I have read, and understand, that you don't want 'fortified' potting mix. This is normally boosted with slow release fertiliser and though my initial take on such would be that it would provide a base nutrient capability that could then be supplemented otherwise popular opinion suggests you are better controlling your nutes directly.


Perlite will help the structure and drainage of the medium. I've seen recommendations of anything from 20-50% Perlite.

Some suggest Vermiculite holds too much water to be used in conjunction with soil/PM.

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I dont think it really matters if it had ferts in it, it suits a growing style of "set and forget". Some people don't like the slowrealease ferts as they like to have direct control over what the plants get.


The Dynamic lifter is pretty good stuff, basically any "good"premium potting mix thats a little more expensive. Avoid ones with heaps of wood chips, as they make it quite acidic.


Searles Premium potting mix is another one i keep hearing about, never been able to find it myself though.


I just realised I sorta answered this in another thread, you've posted the question a few times :thumbsup:

Edited by Wrangler556
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