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My ongoing dramas with Cyco

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This is the drama i had last time. I contacted the company and the store and noone responded to me. I tried to ring them but the fone was never answered so i sent multiple sms to the mobile contact which was ignored also I got real pissed and it wasnt until i started ranting and raving and making threats that something got done. I checked my previous emails from the initial dramas last nite, I sent 3emails in the first week then gave em a month and no reply. Until then they where content to just ignore me. Edited by calaman
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I 'spose Ive never really thought about it but not reallly, the seedbanks rip me off - thats about it. I'd call getting two batches of crappy nutes bad luck I guess. I try not to dwell on the bad things that happen in life though I do remember...


Cyco emailed me back today (amazing huh?!) and said that they made up a batch about 5months ago with Fluvic in it which caused floaties and they discontinued this because of it. That it isnt anything to worry about and that its not possible to be yeast or mould or anything because of the preservatives in the mix. It still doesnt change the fact that Im going to have to strain my nutes before mixing so they dont block up my sprayers. Truely though, I think Im going to give em a miss from now on as ive had nothing but trouble.


Anyone want to recommend nutes, here's your chance!


On a positive note, about a month ago I emailed all the major nute manufacturers (remember that convo THC?) asking for samples. Most of em ignored me however Canna sent me a massively long-winded reply telling me why they wouldnt give me freebies (honestly it was 1000words long!) and.... H&G sent me about 400$ worth of freebies and, heres the bit i was really stoked about.... A FREE HAT!! :blink:


Life aint that bad....

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On a positive note, about a month ago I emailed all the major nute manufacturers (remember that convo THC?) asking for samples. Most of em ignored me however Canna sent me a massively long-winded reply telling me why they wouldnt give me freebies (honestly it was 1000words long!) and.... H&G sent me about 400$ worth of freebies and, heres the bit i was really stoked about.... A FREE HAT!! lol


Life aint that bad....

A FREE HAT?? got gypped!! they sent me a t-shirt :D


But seriously, H&G have gone to the top of my list for nute companies, Cyco talk big but dont produce the goods...


You actually got a reply from Canna?? wow, must have pushed a button with someone there, I got flatly ignored :blink:


A few things to watch with the H&G nutes, they are strong :D , so watch your EC. and they aren't meant to be aerated (according to the fine print) >:(



Edited by TheHeadCing
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Hi Guys,


Cyco IMHO is a very good nutrient, the grow nutrient is by far better then the Canna Vega, the internodal length is the shortest ive ever seen on any nutrient (canna is the worst), also the price is 1/2 that of Canna.


The cyco B1 additive is unreal (smells like borocca) and there Zym is the best of seen for the price and dilution rate.


Another good product is the HG Topbooster, this product is a massive dose of PK which freaks the plantout and makes it flower hard, but be warned to much and the plant will yellow out like crazy, ive got a few friends who use HG Zyme who swear its the best Zyme thay have ever used, but ive never used personally.



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Hi all,

I am only new on here but long time follower great informative site. I have used a lot of different nutrients and additives over my, not always successfully yrs of trial and error.


Just finished my first run on cyco myself, I followed thier programe in the little book they have my shop gave it to me and I have to say I got about and as an average about 25-30 % yeild increase so I would have to say im happy. Havin said that all my conditions were great this run and no probs with ant dieses or pests so I will try it again as it turned out good really noticed looked healthier. I have also heard that the house and garden is good just the price scares me off a bit. I would like to try it it seems everyone is liking that also just results for price were impressive with cyco so if better with H&G then will try. Anyone out there run a H & G that can tell me if it worth tryin and partin with my cash.

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