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San Pedro in flower.

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Over a weekend last summer of temperatures of 39C and 40C, a San Pedro I had some 6 six years from a cutting, finally flowered. The flower spike took a little over a week to form but burst into flower over one very hot night. The other cacti are Peruvian Torch. I'm yet to see what they look like in flower? I've had them 6 years as well. They could do with a repot this spring.







As an aside, I note the fungi forum won't allow new members to post in there? Why is that?


Equador strain on millet birdseed cased in coir.



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Welcome to the site, a very nice collection indeed :)


The Equador strain is one of my personaly favorites


Some cuts can take 10+ years to flower naturally and some pups or cuts simply never give off flowers but ofcourse it boils down to it's environment , the age of the cacti the cut came from and from my experimenting stress plays a large factor aswell as an early cause for flowering. I have experimented for years trying to force flowering in various Trichocereus and that was certainly what my findings where. the first time it doesn't rely on any light or season cycle it " just happens " :blink:. Once a cacti has flowered once though you can expect it to do it again


Thankyou for sharing hope to see plenty more :blink:

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Thanks Pure.


I'll doco a poppy growing thread once I fork in a ute load of decomposed cow manure into a veggie patch where they'll be growing. The seed tray is already advanced. This is the strain, an original Tasmanian single red with deep violet to almost black base. Unlike the new Tasmanian varieties that are high in thebaine, this oldie has a high morphine content and the opium is black, unlike the ornamental varieties (e.g. the P.S 'paeoniflorum') which tend to have a weak brown latex.




Gettin' late. Nite.

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Hi OrbitTime, it's good to see a bit of variety round here.


Have just started collecting cacti over the past year or so, it's pretty addictive. Also growing poppies and a few other things.


Hope you keep us updated with your garden.


Here is a little Peyote I've had for a few months



and a persian white poppy I had flower over winter, and my current patch.




and welcome to OS


Naycha :)

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Naycha, that's a nice peyote you have there. Are they 'Turkish Commercial' strain poppy?


shroomeyshroom, I imagine with the warm temps of South Africa that cacti would thrive!


jimbojones5678, no worries! :scratchin:


Pure, thanks on the info to the cacti. I'll treasure the flowered cacti then, as I'd like to see it flower again. If only a Peruvians Torch would!

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