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veg cycle

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hi guys,


just wondering how long everyone veg's their plants for? Since i won't be doing a closet grow, but instead using roughly a 4x3x3 room, wouldn't i be better off vegging for longer and having less plants? i was thinking of vegging for 4-8 weeks but was concerned whether the yield would be worth it. Also how big would they get??




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hey son666,


Your questions would be much more effective if you already knew what strain you wish to grow, as well as many other variables. Different strains have different yield's so go to http://www.cannagenetics.com and do alittle research on what tickles your fancy.


Generally, in a closet, I would veg less because of the room restrictions. Having a bigger area I would also be inclined to try Sea of Green instead of wasting my time with a few bruiser females. But that what I would do.


The longer you veg, the more area a plant develops itself to accomodate all the flowering thats ahead (more tips = more heads).


Also expect a plant height to almost double once shifted into 12/12.


This sounds right?

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SOG seems like too much of a headache, also im trying to keep plant numbers down, both for convenience and legal issues. Also ive read that growing a lower amount of plants for longer can yield just as much as SOG Edited by son666
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Guest weekprik

Iam just tipping my plants but trying that FIM tech,

Scrog I just dont understand, and SOG is too risky as you got too many plants if your busted,



I would love to buy some superbud by dutch master and use it,

IE you veg till you reach the size you want and then use superbud, it stops growing any higher and packs on the buds.

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mate the idea would be to flower them when they are 1/3 to a 1/2 of your grow height depending on strain. If you're not sure of the phenos of the plants you're growing better to err on the safe side.


if height is not a restriction then just veg till you fill out your grow area for max yield. longer veg time will give better yield so why not if your space allows? plus some say longer veg time gives better finished quality smoke.

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mate the idea would be to flower them when they are 1/3 to a 1/2 of your grow height depending on strain.


I would also take into account the light distance from the plants. If you do have height restrictions then you don't want the plant height to end up too close to the light unless you have a heat shield in place.




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Guest weekprik

im planning to use superbud. I've been told hydromasta stocks it but it doesn't seem to be on their website



lol Havent heard of that site, what state are u in?? let me know cause I know an excellent online supplier with unbeatable prices, and a shop in Brisbane southside that rocks.

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