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ozco seeds

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Guest Urbanhog

Interesting.... I am starting to hear more things about OzCo's slow service lately.... they were fanastic in the past...... I dunno what to say about nowday's services, its not my position to make any comments.


Sorry, I hope that the business with OzCo will be sorted out soon.


Urbie :P

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Guest Urbanhog
Interesting.... I am starting to hear more things about OzCo's slow service lately.... they were fanastic in the past...... I dunno what to say about nowday's services, its not my position to make any comments.

:P. You just did. :P

yeah.... didnt realise that *slaps forehead* :P



Urbie :P

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another pic of the clones


plz note these are not ozco affiliated plants, we got these locally, one of our ozco seedlings is growing a nutsack  :P and one seed didnt sprout, so far iv lost 2 from 3.. not good!


ozco, i should cut your sack off like im going to that little plant!

haha, some seeds produce males dickhead, deal with it. Maybe the reason you lose seedlings is that you don't know what you're going. Don't blame ozco because you are a retard! ::P:

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Maybe the reason you lose seedlings is that you don't know what you're going.  Don't blame ozco because you are a retard! ::P:

If you looked at the pics of our main buds which are LOCALLY grown you will see that we DO know what we are doing and the ozco seedlings are 100% shit.


dont know what im going?? do you know where i am going?? because i sure dont.. im sitting right here watching my chronic unfold, what are you doing down syndrome boy?


we early flowered the ozco seeds to see what percentage their sex would be on purpose, the others are growing somewhere else, so far i have had to pull 11 of my ozco seedlings because they were male, plus 6 didnt germinate so im left with 6 out of 20 seedlings heaps sick percentage!

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we dont care about the ozco ones now,, these clones are going sweet

First you tear strips off ozco saying they are scammers due to slow delivery, then you say you are desperate to start growing and thats why you and your mates said what you said, then you announce you have other locally sourced clones anyway, yeah whatever. now you are bitching again because some of ozco's seeds are male, as if thats their fault :P


You are either a complete moron or you have something against ozco and will go to any lengths to bash them. Its of little consequence, as your behaviour has removed any hint of credibility from your opinions. next you'll be trying to blame ozco for your power bill. ::P:


bitch on.....

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