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Survey on quitting cannabis

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Another Loaded survey about drug addicted cannabis users, I bet its impart government funded?


What gets me is most of these surveys don't stand up to scientific analysis. I bet if 100 people responded, and two people from the group said "I can't stop" these are the two people you would use in your report?


Its a shame really, why don't they just do a report involving medical professionals, scientist, and mental health community, and last but not least, people who smoke to get an overall picture about Cannabis. AND PRINT THE FINDINGS


Anyway to help you out I've never had a problem quitting, unlike Tobacco, and I find when I smoke it improves my concentration so I can do mundane tasks, I find it relaxing and sharpens my wits - thats when I'm moderately stoned

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i am not trying to disterb your sleep

but you should be aware


for some people

(who may not even be aware of self-medication),

think about it,

it could be dangerous, life threatning advice,for some people to stop taking the medicine that is helping the body and the mind heal

bob marley died 3mth after taking the advice from a doctor to stop taking cannabis of brain cancer

i have seen that patten emerging right here at the nimbin hospitable

true i have lost several freinds the very same way

whom were advised by their doctors to stop taking cannabis

3mth after they stoped selfmedicating with cannabis they died

these are just my personal observations

i would really love it if you would publish those stats for me

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Well sally now that you are here here are some questions and we need to know if you bothered to ask them from your so called addicts;


Is there any other agent involved ie: other drugs use, prescription or otherwise, alcohol, tobacco?

What strain of Cannabis is involved?

Did they grow the plants themselves, and therefore, can guarantee they know everything about it?

Can they guarantee quality and purity of the product?

How was it grown?

What chemicals were used in the growth period?

Was anything added to the mix before smoking?


Do you yourself understand the many varieties there are, the differences in each levels of THC to cannabinoids?


Do you understand the differences in organic and chemical grow, regardless of hydroponic or ground grow?


Do you even understand how cannabis works and the different effects of the different varieties, how some of us need a small dose THC high cannabiniod, others need the reverse for different health issues?


Did you know if you use the wrong one you could either have no effect at all or a adverse effect, depending on the bodies requirements? Much the same thing would happen if you took an anti psychotic as a pain reliever, the effects would not be pretty.

Do you understand that your body requires THC/cannabinoid to keep it healthy, allow it to heal and keep the mind healthy also?

Do you actually know what addiction is? Put a so called cannabis addict in the same room as a heroin addict, and do not give them access to their drug of choice for 48 hours. You may then get what addiction is. Of course you would first have to establish that in both cases, that they had only used pure heroin or cannabis.


Now after the 48 hours, send the idiot home, and give the heroin addict some cannabis, to help them kick the heroin habit.


Still good to see you show up, and are prepared to take the flack, from the more highly educated people on this site.


If you answer no to these then don't you think you need to learn before can even begin to help anyone.

Edited by littlbit
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C'mon Sally You have been online reading for nearly 2 hours...... Nothing to say?


Nothin wrong with that though, right? Better to be spending 2 hours reading here than somewhere full of BS B)


I'd like to know if there's some kind of follow up survey for the people who have quit using Cannabis. My guess would be that they would find another substance to fill the void which would end up being worse than smoking the herb.


As a business owner I find it hard to relax with the amount of thoughts bouncing around my head all the time. If I chose to quit smoking Cannabis I can 100% guarantee that within a couple of weeks I would be looking for something else to help my mind relax. Would it be more harmful than a naturally grown plant? Of course it would!

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As a business owner I find it hard to relax with the amount of thoughts bouncing around my head all the time. If I chose to quit smoking Cannabis I can 100% guarantee that within a couple of weeks I would be looking for something else to help my mind relax. Would it be more harmful than a naturally grown plant? Of course it would!

There is actually a question (or 2) in the survey covering this I think. I'm inclined to agree. When I stop smoking I think I probably use alcohol a little bit more.


Was anything added to the mix before smoking?

This is an important point. I know someone who was mixing pot with tobacco who's GP thought they were addicted to pot but it actually turned out to be a nicotine addiction (cured by patches). I can't remember if the survey covered mixes??


C'mon Sally You have been online reading for nearly 2 hours...... Nothing to say?

At least shes here. More than i can say about other researchers.

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Ever tried quitting cannabis.... Now why would I want to go and do something ridiculous like that?? Almost as bad as quitting wanking.. :peace:


Sally R, if your still around. I would like to apolgise for my sarcastic and slightly crude post I made earlier. I have seen a lot of researches from organisations such as yours come through here over the years and they never stick around for discussion, so good on you for that, I have respect for you personally. Now I know others have said this but I feel the need to spout.

I don't think much of the organisation your working for. Its a propaganda arm for the war on drugs. I have read publications made by the NCPIC and imo its mostly blatant one sided propaganda that omits any facts that shed a positive light on cannabis.

War, Propaganda, Lies.... You may say, ahh just another paranoid pot head with a chip on his shoulder spouting worthless conspiracy theories from his THC soaked brain. Well let me say this. We here on this site and in fact anyone who is fond of the green are currently victims of a war. Its called "The War On Drugs". Governments, the media and law enforcement the world over have been using this term for two decades, that along with the constant attack's on our freedoms that we endure which btw destroys families, careers and lives is the reason I firmly believe that we are at war. You just need to read through this thread "Vic OPP seeks and gets extension" to see the plight of Lightning and littlbit, some of the ultimate victims of this war. My way of fighting this war is by openly partaking in my cannabis habit whenever and if front of whomever I please and by growing cannabis. Now on whether you believe all the stuff your organisation comes out with you should remember something.


"The first casualty when war comes is truth" Hiram W Johnson 1917


We are at war!!



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Hey. Very interesting to read all the posts. Actually it kinda never occurred to me that surveys like the one I posted would make people feel like they were being persecuted... but I guess that makes sense. Anyway, very grateful to those who helped out, and you have my word that the findings will not be used to spread propaganda...


Best wishes,


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Good to hear from you again Sally come back and chat some time, we would like to hear YOUR views, and ask questions about your organisation, :peace:


There were a number of questions asked already, are you going to give any answers, ;)


Sally one more post and you can do PM and then you might even get some people to give you more info, or not

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