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Survey on quitting cannabis

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I think we should be supporting things like this.


I would love to see your reaction in six months when the newest "research" hits the media about how how many people are trying to quit cannabis but can't, because it is such a deadly, addicting substance. :yinyang:, It is so funny that at the moment an anti Cannabis commercial is on TV. It is so pathetic. Marijuana, you don't know what it will do to you. http://australia.gov.au/drugs. Hmm, where do these bastards get their info from.


Doh, from researchers that put out bullshit surveys like this one, designed to trap useless stoners like us???.


The irony of the last five minutes has left me speechless. Whoda thought watching the simpsons would force you to wqatch anti Cannabis material.

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I would love to see your reaction in six months when the newest "research" hits the media about how how many people are trying to quit cannabis but can't, because it is such a deadly, addicting substance.


Well, if you look at the survey, you will see it is not just for people who have failed to quit. Not sure why Sally said that.

But it's got an option for people who have quit. I strongly suspect they think that Cannabis is hard to quit and are trying to help people who want to but can't. I do actually know of a few people who can't quit, just because it helps them. But they should because their job requires it.

I'm not turning here, hehe don't worry. I know Cannabis isn't addictive and I know it's easy as shit to quit, and the only reason TO quit is because it's illegal. But this NCPIC seems to be based mostly on facts and doesn't appear to be a propaganda machine.


gills, if you do the survey, just give lightning and littlbit's address, PM them for it. They are glad to let you do it.

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Hey. Thanks for your interest in what we do, and for all the feedback you've given. Brutal in some parts, but definitely food for thought. No condescension intended with the capitalisation of WANT. I guess what I was getting at is that we have no interest in harassing or bullying people who are using cannabis quite happily and feel no need to stop using it -- only in making evidence-based help available to people who really want to quit, but can't (we have had plenty of people in this situation contact us). I can't speak for the government, but believe me, most substance use researchers are not particularly against substance use.


Best wishes,


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Also, Sally, this question is fucked.

55. I quit “cold turkey”:






Occasionally, Frequently and Repeatedly imply that you've tried to quit cold turkey many times and it failed. The question should be changed to just 'yes' and 'no'.

The reason the questions are structured this way is for analysis. Yes and no answers are almost useless. i agree that some of the questions and responses could have been worded better.


If you did the survey for the $20.00 which address would you be giving to receive such a gift and would it be delivered by our boys in blue.

Gills, university research is bound by strict ethics. They couldn't operate otherwise. they wont hand your addresss to the police.

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sally r thanks for clearing that up mate :yinyang: ... but i tell you i have had Cannabis hanging around my life for the best part of 20 years , alot of that time i have not been smoking it ( i have no underlying mental problems BTW)

My opinions follow ;

there iis no physical addiction connected with Cannabis ... sure there may be cravings and 'i want a smoke or im gunna chuck a spaz - attack' that is usually the approach of teenagers who claim to be addicted, they will really bung it on cause they have rarely been told NO in their upbringing, they have not encountered discipline


as a comparission tobacco and alcohol are ten thousand times harder to quit than Cannabis ... sure with Cannabis its the first 3-4 days of abstinence that find the user 'cranky' and thats as deep as it goes ... a general feeling of 'out of sorts' , change in eating habits, and general bad mood because all the user is thinking ' why wont these f*%#@ let me have a smoke, if i could have one smoke i would be nice to the world again'

the user is completely absorbed in his/her wants and needs

so you gotta fill the users mind with things to do , not only mentally but physically as well for these 3-4 days, if you can do that they will be back to their old selves again in nothing more than a week .... not to say they wont go out and smoke another joint cause they may well do so, but it will no longer be a pressing issue for them and they will have learnt .. hey i can stop weed when i put my mind to it


you could put them out in the desert 100 miles from anywhere with enuf provisions and camping gear to survive plus a couple of tribal aborigines to lead them home and keep an eye on them , and have them hike back to civilisation ... the very, very last thing on their minds would be Cannabis, that would become insignificant compared with the challenge they suddenly find themselves faced with ...

thats just an example but you get my drift ...


Cannabis being addictive is a 110% fallacy propagated by desk-bound intellectuals and nutty Professors in their ivory castles


i rest my f*$%#@ case



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only in making evidence-based help available to people who really want to quit, but can't (we have had plenty of people in this situation contact us).

sally ofcourse you are aware


the reason for the stats of late, showing increasing numbers of people wanting to quit cannabis

it was a sudden jump eh

and at

the same time they brough in new laws for small amounts and first time offenders

involving caustions and visits to the cannabis clinic

according to the same stats

most of the people that are seeking quit cannabis have been directed there by the courts

look me in the eyes


so do you really think there is a lot of people who simpley cant stop useing a

scientificly proven non addictive herb like cannabis

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sallyr I agree with what frazz just said, I have used Cannabis medicinally for over 32 years and have stopped on occasion to prove to myself that it was not addictive, apart from 1 sleepless night (which I occasionally have anyway, with or without, and are often highly productive) no withdrawal symptoms of any type.


Cannabis is NOT physically addictive and only people raised without being taught the principles of self discipline have "Trouble" giving up. Blame the parenting not the herb.


Chocolate is far more addictive in my opinion.


Personally I intend to never give up Cannabis again as it's medicinal value to ME outweighs even the threat of going to prison (where they probably could not stop my medicine anyway).


If you read some more of the threads on this board you will understand what I mean.

You will also educate yourself on the true facts and myths of this plant of renown.


Why does your website not list links to the 17000 odd peer reviewed medical studies on Cannabis that are out there that investigate the safety and efficacy of cannabis in medical use?

Do you not want to show an impartial objective scientific face to the world?

If you site is not about propaganda why is it "Cannabis Prevention" instead of just "cannabis information"

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck IT IS A DUCK!!!!

If it looks like a prohibitionist and squawks like a prohibitionist............. you get the picture.

Just how much does it cost the tyrants to run your little arm of the machine couple of million a year I'd reckon. Could be better spent on public housing. get a real job


Hey Sally, try reading my profile if you want some REAL data on why some people use Cannabis.

Edited by lightning
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Sally NCPIC is nothing less than a propaganda site, for the War on Drug Users. I have been asking you guys questions for well over 12 months now, and the responses are political spin. I do however congratulate you on changing the slang term Marijuana, to its correct name Cannabis, as I suggested. I do note however, that you have still not published the U.S. government. US Patent 6630507, "Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants", nor have you put the link up to the 17,000 medical research studies into the efficacy of Cannabis in medicine. Not to mention the many Australian Government owned Patents on medical cannabis.


I still see no mention of the life saving research into cannabis cures for cancers, nor the results with all forms of dementia, glaucoma, or any genuine research at all.


So why has your boss sent you here? How much is it costing us all Australian Tax Payers to fund your propaganda machine?


I have no intention of giving up my only medicine, now in my late 50's I have earned the right to make my own choices on what I use as medicine or recreationally for that matter. I choose not to use alcohol to relax, it kills brain cells, will make you dizzy, will make you throw up and can be addictive, and DOES kill daily. Cannabis is a neuro protector and antioxidant, it protects the brain and body, Cannabis has NEVER killed in well over 4000 years of recorded history.


Cannabis is a PLANT, part of the natural world, it belongs to all creatures of the earth, not exclusively to humans, no one has a right to ban a plant. Cannabis laws are in breach of The Human Rights Treaties, they ignore cultural and religious use and keep medicine from sick and dying people.


If you really are impartial, and are not against the use of cannabis, then I am sure you would be more than happy to donate to the cause, please see lightning's or my signature for details. :)



If the NCPIC is genuinely interested then let your boss come on here and have a debate, where there is no censorship, bring your friends, you might just learn something about yourself as well as the greatest gift God gave the world, cannabis. B):) :)

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Sally R, respect. You have come back and read what we have wrote, and you actually had the guts to respond. So can I say good on you, you are obviously interested in gathering the right type of answers to your research. I didn't have a look at the survey and to be honest I probably won't. From what I am seeing, you are after people who have had problems quitting, and what services could/should have been made available to them. I think your first mistake was mis-wording the first post. I think a better approach from you may have been something like.....


" We are trying to help Cannabis users who feel that they have problems and are in need of help in regards to quitting. We understand that everyone who uses Cannabis do not necessarily have problems, but I am sure that we can all agree that with a certain percentage of the population, there is a number of users, who do have problems quitting. So we are after some valuable insight from users and ex users, in regards to how they have stopped using Cannabis. Or maybe we could get some valuable insight from those who have no interest in stopping. We are not trying to get you to stop but if you think that you might one day, what services facilities would you like to be available for you."


Bet even thinking of it from your point of view, I still have to agree with Frazzle. Cannabis is not addictive. Oh, maybe certain lifestyles are, but that doesn't mean that the drug itself is.


And also Radic had the most valuable point in this whole thread. I, myself, wondered how long it would take for the "drug court diversion" programs being offered by many states, to be included within the official stats/propaganda. It is obvious for a normal person to say that yeah I will go to counselling rather than go to jail. Derrr.


Think about it, how many people are saying out loud "I really want to stop smoking Cannabis" when they are really thinking, "at least I am not in jail.. at least I can go home for a joint after this shit has finished"



Anyway, good on you sally r for at least coming back, reading our responses and then responding yourself.

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