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Survey on quitting cannabis

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It's just up to me to not smoke it to excess.


It is use in moderation that is the key.


That totally sums it up.

Abuse water ya drown, does not matter the substance extreme abuse will do damage.


As to the symptoms you describe of your Addiction I ask do you spin your mix with baccy by any chance that causes withdrawal.

Organic Cannabis is about as physically addictive as chocolate and less addictive and likely to cause psychosis that a can of V or Redbull.


Tainted bud, of which there appears to be much on the streets (unflushed etc.) can cause symptoms of withdrawal if the media the chemicals/mineral salts/insecticides are transported in is suddenly stopped, this is ,as you said, based on my own anecdotal evidence and investigations I have made over the years into the question.

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For all you NPIC dislikers check this out ( might take your focus of attack after my last post!!!!)



Oh and P.S



LOOK OUT SALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes I read that earlier and it would appear to be Sally's BOSS, wonder if the Prof is prepared to induldge in scientific debate.


I totally agree with lucid here. Some of the comments in this thread just make us look like idiots.


Freddie while I too agree with your sentiments here and do not see abuse as helpful I also note the invitation to debate came BEFORE the abuse for lack of participation.

As radic said she want to ask us questions in her survey the least she could do is answer SOME of our questions to her, I think that that would have been the polite thing to do, silence for days on end just reading and not bothering to interact on a thread STARTED by that user is poor manners and poor form.


While abuse should not be condoned disrespect is earned and I have always believed in a fair days pay for a fair days work :bongon:

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If anyone doesn't like my opinion, stiff shit, you have the opportunity to have your say.

Blow as much wind up sally's arse as you want, try and make friends with her and the NCPIC/NDARC, they still think your all scum anyway. No one asked her to join this forum and spam her research for FREE.


Fuckin wake up to yourselves, you especially luciddreaming

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I could go into the "well I have research here that say's this and I have seen studies that say that" but as lucid last sentence ended with 'because nobody is going to change the opposite sides mind' sums it all up.

That was ROCKER, not me. I totally disagree with that. How do you think we've actually got the Cannabis laws lightened and how do you think so amny people started smoking in the first place? Of course it can change people's minds!


Bufo - No one wants to make friends with them. I don't wanna be friends with anyone involved with any sort of government nor the government themselves.

The point is, you are not achieving anything (except a bad image for us) by talking about her arse.


Lightning - I agree about the 'P' thing. NCIC also flows way better :bongon:


Oh and regarding http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/06...?section=justin

So what? I can't gather anything from that anyway. It's 2 paragraphs.

But as some have said here, they do have problems with Cannabis addiction.

Take that schizophrenic guy flatcat was talking about.... He clearly had a need for Cannabis. When he shouldn't have because it's going to fuck with him if he's not stable enough.

So unless the guidelines are something like "Hang out with friends and take deep breaths and find something you like to do". Then I see nothing wrong with it.

Edited by luciddreaming
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I said

"could go into the "well I have research here that say's this and I have seen studies that say that" but as lucid last sentence ended with 'because nobody is going to change the opposite sides mind' sums it all up."


What I meant is for every 10 positive studies on the effectiveness of cannabis I could find 10 negative studies on the same subject. But if you're not willing to be open minded (as prohibitionist's are)then any research disclaiming your beliefs are going to be quickly dismissed.


Sorry for any misunderstanding.

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This will be the last you'll hear from me.



Yet good members start fighting amongst themselves. Hmmm.



Now why would someone from the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre want to come here and cause trouble???


Looking at some users posts and their ozstoners join date is interesting... NO??


I think it has been pointed out that the propaganda has been published, already, and we have been used once again. If that was not so then Sally R would still be here "defending" her research<sic>. Do you get it, does that make sense???


The fact that she has signed off already means they already have the answers. Once again we have been used, and I would like to thank the members that pointed this out right from the beginning.




Please guys, stop the bitching. What is said and done has been said and done. No use us fighting against each other.

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For everyone who thinks sally was treated harshly, you are wrong. From the beginning she was asked questions she simply refused to answer, she said she wanted the facts, yet refused to enter into any form of discussion.


Sally is not the first nor will she be the last researcher to come here and try to get information they cannot get anywhere else, yet she has been the most difficult to work with as she was obviously NOT in favour of cannabis for any reason, she was simply trying to prove how dangerous and addictive cannabis is according to her and NCPIC.


Anyone coming on here to do genuine research spends the time getting to know people, checking other topics, and defend their stance without having to stoop to sulking and getting offended when people demand answers that have been ignored for weeks.


Sally is the government, she is the faceless idiot that says in spite of the evidence cannabis will not be permitted for any reason. She is here representing all those idiots you have all been writing to trying to bring about change, ie; Nicola Roxon, the TGA, etc, so please stop seeing her as this little girl who needs rescuing, this little girl is the enemy and it is little people like her that continues to spread the lies about us and our herbal medicine.


She achieved more in a couple of weeks here than the entire government has not been able to do ever, she split us down the middle, because some of you decided to play white knights to the little damsel in distress.


Personally I am annoyed that you allowed yourselves to be sucked in so easily, turning on those of us who saw through her crap. We have got to stick together now more than ever.


Guys if they represent a government body, they are the government. If they work for an anti cannabis government backed body, they are against cannabis and will do all they can to make it look as bad as they can, and us too.


Never ever allow a government representative to cause problems between us, they do not have the same agenda.


Sally if you decide to read this, if you were ever genuine about the truth in research you would have answered questions put to you.


Perhaps you would answer this what are the questions you ask of people who say they are addicted to cannabis?


For those being ordered into treatment by the courts, how many are addicted or are they there simply to stay out of jail, or not have a criminal record?


How many come back by order of the Courts?


What are the symptoms of withdrawal from cannabis that you have observed?


How long does it take someone to get past the withdrawal symptoms, hours, days, weeks?


What drugs are used to get someone off cannabis, given the recommendation is to give them bipolar meds, that are totally addictive, cause major disruption to brain function and so many other side effects?


Personally I do not believe you or the anti drug lords, care about the welfare and health of any addict, and since the policy of the NCPIC is to eradicate cannabis, there is no way you would be searching for truth as that would simply destroy your theories.


Wake up guys this little miss can't be wrong, was here to put a wedge between us all, do not allow that to happen or we loose and she wins.

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I agree with littlbit.....stand together guys!....the oldest trick in the book is divide and conqueror, lets not fall victim to it okay!


...as for quitting weed......I am not a big smoker or drinker....maybe a joint on the weekend and a couple of beers at a barbie...I view it the same way as alcohol, use it when you want too but dont use it all the time...........in saying that isnt alcohol abuse far more prevalent in today's society???....and yet that is sanctioned by the goverment....weird!!!!!

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Well good morning Sally, are you intending to answer any questions today?


Please do not try to play poor little picked on researcher, we have all dealt with researchers on here before, they usually spend time getting to know people, go into other topics and spend time answering our questions as they do getting answers to theirs.


The way you have approached the people on this site is to keep your distance, spend no time finding out who are what we are and what we know, as opposed to what we believe.


Time to show us all what you are made off, answer the questions we have asked, ask some yourself we will answer those for you. Ignoring us is simply proving that you are a government mouth piece, you have no opinion of your own, and like the present government, have no intention of answering anything ever. Also that you are simply anti natural medicine, and are all about pharmaceutical chemicals that ensure people stay alive only long enough to make money out of, however never be cured. Drug companies do not have drugs that cure, only addictive, destructive, death bringing chemicals. We on here are about cures, health and well-being.


So Sally where do YOU stand?

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