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Hydro Nutrients...

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I have grown a few crops in my time (all bush except for my current grow :) ) and i have never used hydro nutrients to fert...My friend grows most of his crop bush but ferts with hydro chemicals and his bush was as good as any hyge i have ever had...


Do these nutes make the difference or were the chemicals getting me high ??? any info would be good...

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Guest weekprik

do you know if the guys buds are flushed before harvesting? if he sells alot he probably didnt so you were high on chems,



but really :),

I too was a bush grower but when i moved country things changed and there no where decent to grow outdoors here,


if your using anything than hydroton(clay balls) it seems harder for me,

I also think you use 1/2 strength nutes to grow faster, and at flower go full strength, then make sure u flush,


if ya mates give you shit about growing hydro, use organic ferts designed for your unit,

other wise I find dutch master products to be pretty consistant, their superbud is something I wanna try,

I use their grow but at the moment use Xreame veg with Potash,

I was told that powergrow is the best for yeild but I havent seen it in my local,



hydro is usually stronger than bush as the indoor strains are good compared to bagseed eh?


maybe im too stoned to know..


OI shut up weakprik :)

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hydro nutes can get exiremely expensive for a large outdoor grow

yep, I'm finding gh expensive enough for indoors.. Going to switch over to something else like dutchmaster or amsterdam indoors... don't know which one to choose though... either way, they're a lot more affordable than gh... especially for dwc setups..

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hydro nutes can get exiremely expensive for a large outdoor grow

yep, I'm finding gh expensive enough for indoors.. Going to switch over to something else like dutchmaster or amsterdam indoors... don't know which one to choose though... either way, they're a lot more affordable than gh... especially for dwc setups..

what do you mean by that? DWC uses less nutes than most other types of setups.

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ok...let me do the math :) I'm using lucas formula cause i got gh nutrients..hehe


5ml micro

10ml bloom this is pergallon... I got a 80-100 ltr setup..hmm that's 23.5 gallons - about...


23.5 x 5ml micro = 117.5mls = 8 changes from 1 ltr bottle at $20-$30

23.5 x 10ml bloom = 235mls = 4 changes from 1 ltr bottle at $20-$30




8ml micro

16ml bloom


23.5 x 8ml micro = 188mls = 5 changes

23.5 x 16ml bloom = 376mls = 2 changes


pretty much what this means is that I can't do a grow on $40-60 worth of gh nutes... :)

Edited by Mr Putard
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Guest weekprik

dutch master advance looks awesome, But Amsterdam indoors has all sorts of shit added to it, eg- silica etc,

I wanted to buy DM advance for this grow but when i went in the store they had AI for $10-00 I couldnt resist it :),


im going back to buy a 5 Litre pack they have for $30-00


HEY GUYS? Ive seen a product you use in your flush, ie instead of just plain water for 2 weeks before harvest you use this stuff, I forget the name but what are these flush products like????

Edited by weekprik
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