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Plant problems First time with Flood Drain

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Ok so here is my problem. This is my first time using a flood drain system. I have a 4’ X3’ with an 80L reservoir. I transplanted my seedlings out of my seedling tray two weeks ago. I put them into 4” Rockwool cubes flushed with a water ph of 6.5 I added 600 PPM on nutes. (Flora Nova) The next day after first feeding the leaves curled up and started pointing down. I thought I had a nute problem so I cut the nutes back to 300 PPM and other than the leave tips pointing down a little the plants seemed to perk right back up. Even my sick plant was doing much better. Now yesterday I flushed the table and changed the solution out I added 300 PPM of nova flora to the solution. And this morning my plants are doing the exact same thing as they before except the leave are not folding there just turned down again. Here are my grow stats.


1) MH 1000W Kept at a distance to maintain 74 F over plant tops

2) Room temp is 73.7 F

3) % RH is 50.5%

4) Reservoir Temp Is 69 F

5) Light Cycle is 18 hrs

6) Feeding cycle is 1min every 24 hours

7) Oscillating fan on only when lights are on


My conclusion is that the folding was nute burn. Since there is no folding this time around. I have always had fringing on the leaves but I have been unable to determine why at this time.

As for the leaves pointing down it is tied to my flushing I think but I’m not sure. I’m kind of Confused.


Here are some pics of my plants maybe this will be of some help. Also a pic of my reservoir


I am wondering is cold flushing water would do this? The water I flushed with was about 55 F Unfortunately I didn’t give it enough time to warm up.





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They don't look too bad really, if there are roots coming out the bottom do you intend to fill the rest of the tray with clay balls or do you have another medium in mind? They look like they will do well.

I'd sit them on top of the clay, not bury them, to make sure the rockwool isn't getting soaked when you eventually increase the feed times when flooding the table.

Should be an interesting grow lol

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imo if you bury those cubes and they are getting saturated every 2-3 hours you'll end up with overwatered/wilted leaf, don't forget it's the continual drying out that draws oxygen back into the roots, the clay will dry out whilst the cubes will stay waterlogged, and it's those top roots that like to stay dryer.

I'd be flooding to just below the cubes as a bare minimum

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Could be over-watering, but I'm thinking pH maybe your problem. I used to soak my rockwool in acidic 5.5 water overnight. I used to try to keep my hydro plants at 5.8.


I'd also kick the fans on at night as well (I had mine on a timer that turned them on 15 minutes every hour in the dark).


What strain are you growing?

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The drooping all cleared up overnight. All the plants perked right up. even the tips of the leaves did to. Im going to attibute the issue to the flushing I think. The strain is a Vancouver type know as Blue Mountian Jamacan. It is a pure sativa bread with a indica cross I have not smoked any yet but I saw some pictures of the plants and the picutes had very rich trichroms in them so I was inclined to try the strain. Also they don't respond well to PH at 5.5. I had tried that and it caused a little slow growth in the rooting cubes.
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flush more regularly

you see the top of the rock wool is green

that is a sign of high N

too high


make sure you flush correctly

like this

pour water on to the top of the rock wool fast nuff that it covers the top completley

but do not over flow the top so it spills over the edge

let it all drain to waste

keep pouring the water in till it runns out of the bottom of the rock wool ---->clear<----

it may take 20 to 45 min till it does

and all that green should go too

when the water runs --->clear<--- from the bottom


the flush is complete


now start a new fresh made nutrient sollution

at HALF the recomeneded strength for the first day

then the next day

back to a fresh made full strength nutrient sollution


the plan you are following should give two levels to aim for


use the lower one

that is for young plants like yours

when the get a bit bigger then gradually increase the strength to max as they get bigger


irey guidance

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