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Free online medical cannabis book

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This book is very informative, entertaining (includes poems and parodies), in places funny, but mostly the voice of a medical sufferer who is denied the right of his own choice of medicication, that he knows works for him. It cannot be accessed through google search at the moment (so it appears) and could take a few weeks for that to be possible, but people have already accessed it by typing the URL into the address bar/space at the top of the web page you're on. If, for some reason, you can't, please let us know.


Although this book is free to read, it is still copyright. However, we want as many people to read it as possible, so please feel free to pass the website onto anyone else you know. This is a very important subject to medical cannabis patients, their carers and anyone else who is campaigning for the right to choose the medication that works for them.



Edited by medcanaware
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It appears that some people have not been able to get to our book, but usually if typing straight into Google. The best thing is to copy and paste the url into your address bar at the top of the web page. Hope you enjoy it.


We hope the book can be of encouragement to others all over the world - ammunition to fight with, a bit more understanding, also to know they're not alone in the fight, and the endurance and continued courage to keep fighting for their rights.

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Glad you enjoyed the book and had such positive things to say about it.

Not everyone likes parodies or poems, but there's enough in there to keep everyone interested with the quotes, studies and other personal remarks. We are hoping that whoever reads the book will pass the website on to as many people as they can. This is such an important issue and must not be let to die. The Government and many other people are not willing to listen to medical cannabis patients or advocates and tend to lump all cannabis users (yes, even medical users) into categories of abusers, addicts, scum, losers etc (seen the latest ads on tv - not new, but being given a new push). We have been writing to the Government and drug bodies for 5 years now, so it's time that the Cannabis Community and the rest of society got all the truth, studies, quotes, testimonies etc. as is possible which is why we decided to put the book together in the first place and put it online for all to read.


We actually did an 8 day campaign in our small city last year and spoke to over 400 people and many more stopped and read the posters or took a glance as they walked by. We were amazed at how many people were actually more on the positive side than the negative side when it comes to cannabis as a medicine. People's ages ranged from 16-84. Many either used cannabis as their choice of medication, or cared for someone who did, or have used it in the past, and many who would like to have the option to use it. We only had 3 real negatives during the whole campaign.


We had 3 days in the Mall until someone finally complained and we were moved on. But then a lady saw us and invited us to have 5 free days, to share our message, at the Sunday markets she ran. We also took the opportunity during Drug Action Week to do a day of speaking to people about drugs (alcohol definitely included as it is one of the most destructive drugs around), so was able to talk to people about medical cannabis also.


Even though Cannabis is illegal in Australia, people shouldn't feel worried about getting out and campaigning or even just talking to your family and friends about it. We should never be embarrassed because of our beliefs, especially when it comes to a subject on how to improve health.


So, don't forget, if you can and feel so inclined, please pass the website on. Thanks.

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