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When too "Harvest" seeds?

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Well i have been trolling google and such for over an hour now struggling too find anything of interest. Can only get seed banks and "how too grow MJ from a seed" guides.


My plant is seeding madly at the moment, which isn't a bad thing as the it was some good smoko that i got from a mate and he grew it himself. Gave me seeds, don't know what strain though.


however back on topic, i was wondering if there is a best time too pick the seeds? i noticed the pods holding them appear too be splitting on some, i assume this would mean they are ready but am not sure?!? also i don't want too let them fall off naturally as i would end up losing far too many lol


if someone could post here some help or alink me too a site more specifically focused on breeding seeds i could look at it would be greatly appreciated... Although im not looking too make seeds long term i just need the info for this plant.

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I like to wait until the seeds are pretty much rattling around in the pod. At that stage they are fully formed and hard, not squishy, pale and soft. Often the pods do split but this does not necessarily mean the seed has fully formed. Take one out and have a look. if you can crush it; it is not ready. Seeds usually take 4-5 weeks to fully form. lol
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these seeds have been on the plant for over a month easily by now... I was aware of how too test seeds for if they are decent by squeezing but would rather not have too pull my seeds off the plant and destroy them lol... i pulled 5 off this morning and will do some more tomorrow. all except one were fine, the one was deformed with the core spilling out of the shell before i even touched it... never the less thanks muchly freddy and Indy for your help. anyone else with any other ways too tell ??


upon inspecting the seeds i picked this morning 4 are the propper goldy greeny colour and there is another one which looks all fucked up, hasn't really got any colour yet mostly whitey green but it doesn't pop when i squeeze it. i called it casper lol.

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locate the seed pod on the plant - squeeze it out


- check it's brown/darkish/black


- get it between your index finger and thumb and squeeze the hell out of it.


If it squashes it's no good


It can be a lot like a 'pimple'




have been doing some trial and error type research checking for variations in colour on the outer "skin" of the seeds and so on too try and find some other ways too discern ready seeds from not ready ones. will post back with a bit of my findings in a week or so... Don't want too post anything without testing the theory a bit first lol


because i was starting too notice a few traits common in the ready seeds. it appears as though the golden brown colour starts too show through seams when held under a light source. The rest of the unready seeds just appear green or some have a slightly white tinge.


another method i have found pretty effective is too pess on the pointy slightly curled tip of the "seed flower" if the seeds are ready it will generally split down the seam and reveal anice brownyblack seed. if it doesn't split or the seed is still heaps green it doesnt appear too affect their development having split the "cocoon"


edit: oh my fucking god sitting here at my desk with it trying too get the seeds off the smell is so awesome... by far the best smelling plant i have grown... not overpowering but a nice sweet kind of fruity aroma. also, so far found 11 suitable seeds. only picked 3 duds lol



HOLY FUCK, i just found a seed that had actually germinated !! shot its root out and all. im planting it now will see if it actually grows... this one is called jesus, growing without me even parenting it :peace:

Edited by DarkSpark
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