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sum pics of indoor grow

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Hey bushgrower, looks like you have a cheapie camera like mine, the HID's really stuff up the pictures. As weekprik pointed out the plants have stretched a bit but nothing much can be done about that now and they seem healthy enough from what I can see, not all that long until you are smoking good home grown head, the plants look a bit naked without their fan leaves though.



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There's nothing you can do with the stretching, as you are using HID lights, and they are known for widening the nodes and such. This is actually interesting, because stretching a plant like so can be good and leaves more gaps for light to penetrate your buds and such. Me and a mate actually start off our plants in HID then move them into a combo MH and Super HPS lights. Why we do this is so that we get plants that have sparse folliage that won't get in the way of the buds. Once you hit the HPS/MH, they boom hard and expect nice juicy buds that all join together eventually...you may have to give it a little veg light here and there to get the heads to join, but it's well worth it....


If you are wondering...we aren't using any extreme lights...only a 400w MH and a 600w Super HPS....I dunno what others think, but I find mixing light spectrums increases overall growing performance....


Peace Out


Dirty Deed

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I dunno what others think, but I find mixing light spectrums increases overall growing performance....

that makes sense of course :blink:


although MH & HPS lights are both 'HID' so which do you start your plants under prior to the dual spectrum of the 400mh and 600hps ?

Edited by boe~pimp
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exactly what it says it is...they are flurous that are HID....Flurous made for growing...they are quite cheap and good for beginners...they are much different to normal fluro that they have a higher lumen output...They tend to overstretch plants a bit, but like I said before, we make good use of that stretch as it lets more light hit the buds...it will reduce yield in a sense..but you end up with some really nice heads....


Peace Out


Dirty Deed


P.S A standard HID fluro will have a 800-1400 lumen output...so having a multiple tube set can grow plants quite sufficiently......I can't remember what they are properly called though...

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