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leaves yellowing in flower

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I just had a look at my plants and the yellowing seems to be getting worse!


They are in week 3 of flower and are 3 1/2 months old in total. I have been told that the shade leaves do yellow and die of slightly in flower and this is expected with sativa dominant plants but the yellowing seems to be working its way up to the leaves on the same nodes as the buds!! :blink:


I am feeding them with 1/2 strength fish ferts (N) and full strength potash (K) (P) with added Mg.





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Guest weekprik

my GUESS is that is it not recieving all the nutreints it needs, why 1/2 strength nutreints???


I had a plant do that as a clone, i thought it was dead for sure- it was all that light yellow and then it actually went white, I really thought it was dead but as it was still standing i put it under the sun outside on a nice semi overcast day, when i came back about 6 hours later 1/2 of the middle of the leafs were dark green, in 2 days it grew happily and fully went green again.


i have 400hps, hydro. about 800ppm, Its now in to veg and im giving it 1600 PPM its tripled in size in a week, i really thought it would burn but had read that if it doesnt it will be superweed :blink:. will change again tonight to 1200

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It would seem that for what ever reason they aren't getting the nutes they require, I just need to work out what it is causing it and how to fix it.


I'm only feeding them 1/2 strength Nitrogen as they don't use as much during flower, the P and K are at full strength.


I dunno, maybe I should change nutes? Does anyone know of a good make of organic nutes?




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I'm pretty sure I'm giving them the Macro Nutrients (NPK) they require and the PH is ok so I figured it could be a lack of Micro nutrients that's causing some sort of nute lock out?


I went out and bought some Trace elements that you mix in with the normal water, they are made by Manutec, I dunno if it'll do any good but I'll given them a try next watering.


Does anyone know if it's possible to over fert using organic nutes in soil?




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Does anyone know if it's possible to over fert using organic nutes in soil?

Yes, you may have a nutrient lock out, give them a good flush with aged PH correct water, the pot looks a bit on the small side, but it's hard to tell with the angle, they could be getting root bound too. I would also ditch the fish ferts, they don't use a lot of nitrogen in flower.

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Guest weekprik

organic is good for chicken eggs :),

ditch it in favour of some Dutch master coco, or something better already mixed,

every water is ok depending on strength of it, 1/2 everyday is too much,

also buy some allrounder or superthrive or dutch master max.

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I am thinking about doing a hydro grow for the next grow so I am reading up on the various ferts but for this grow I have used organic nutes all the way through and sorta want to finish it that way so I can compare it with the hydro grow.


You mentioned the red stalks....

most of the leaves have this to varying degrees, I did think it may be a phosphous deficiency but I'm giving them loads of P?




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