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PK 13-14

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Have just gone into week 5. Although they look more like week 3.

My light is 250-300mm away from her....and i have no more room,lights is screwed to the roof :uhhuh:

400w and a excellent exhaust system keeps the heat away. I may need to put the bulb shade thing on to keep the radiant heat away.

The main branches are allready growing up into the light shade. I have crossed these branches 3-4 times through it 4week of growing. Its all quite a mess of branches.

Should i try crossing them again???

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woow she loves it in there

what ever your doing

your doin it right

keep it up

she is very happy


so looks like you had problems with your change over period

still yah live and lern

next time dont veg so long

timing is crucial in a small space


radics ruff rules

i allow 1/3 of the grow space to fill than change to bloom

with 2/3 left to flower in


the change over period last for 2 weeks

the plant has lotsa hormones runnin thru her systems

she will use no N

for 2 weeks

but she will love som P and K to increase and improve her flower sites

thats is the reason for PK Nutirents

so flush the veg nutirents out

PK strictly for the 2 week changover period


flush out the pk nutirents

then stratght into bloom for the 8 week

then final flush for the last week



i would

tie them down

being carefull not to break any stems

at this stage they can be sooooo easy to brake

do it gradually and gentally


a bit at a time over the period of the light hrs

use rubber or strechy twine


or you could lower the floor




high grow room temps will cause the plant to stretch

keep them low


too high a N content in the nutierent sollution will stretch her too

flush and start again

at half strength


irey guidance

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I turned her 4weeks & 2 days ago when it was just below the lower mesh you can see.

As for nutes the grow nutes were flushed at this time and flower nutes added.

So it has grown way more than 2/3rds in that time. More like 1/4 to 3/4. :uhhuh:

Some of those branches have already been crossed 3-4 times.


I will fight on.





P.S you said add PK in the first 2 weeks however the instructions say week 5or6 (for 1 week)of an 8 week cycle.

Is that right????

Edited by buddy.g
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