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Smoking while pregnant



Hi there, this is my first pregnancy and it is a twin pregnancy. I get really bad morning sickness, which last throughout the whole day. But i tend to find that i feel a whole lot better and not feel sick at all when i smoke marijuana. Im scared to think how it affects the lil ones, but i cannot handle being overly sick anymore. Can someone help me?
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Having been a helpless spectator and watching my wife go through agony of relentless nausea. I'd have to say, cannabis has saved us. If it wasn't for cannabis, my wife's nausea would have been out of control and there is no way food or water could have been kept down. When using medicinally it's not the same as using recreationally. People do your research and make an informed decision for yourselves.


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What a Hardcore topic.


Personally i wouldnt make a desicion about your babies health from a study with a sample of only 30.


Everyday brain science people are discovering more and more about how a mothers nutrition, health status, and mental health status, can effect gene transcription during pregnancy and ultimately effect a baby for its entire life. Bottom line the current level of knowledge is we dont know fuck all. It seems the more we learn about biochem and molecular biology the more we realize how complex and sensitive the system is.

Even today people are discovering more and more that diseases like measels result in mental illness, or that by hitting a child under five more that a few times can result in the activation and transcription of dormant genes for violent tendencies.


As usual getting off topic all im trying to say is i really dont think anyone on this planet could give you a definitive answer as to yes or no maybe its harmfull.


IE - reduced stress cause u to feel better ultimately is probably very very positive for the unborn baby.


On the otherhand - THC is clearly shown to be harmfull to teenagers mental and physical development


And as i sit here in a library at uni a pysch friend of mine leaned over my shoulder read what i was writting and was horrified stating that - MJ has been shown to reduce heart rate in unborns increasing risks of mild brain damage.


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Biol Psychiatry 2004,56:909/915

Xinyu Wang, Diana Dow-Edwards, Virginia Anderson, Howard Minkoff, and Yasmin L. Hurd


Background: Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is the illicit drug most used by pregnant women, and behavioral and cognitive impairments have been documented in cannabis-exposed offspring. Despite the extensive use of marijuana, very limited information exists as to the consequences of prenatal cannabis exposure on the developing human brain. Methods: We optimized an in situ hybridization histochemistry technique to visualize mRNA expression in midgestation (weeks 18–22) human fetal specimens from mothers with and without documented evidence of cannabis use during pregnancy. The cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) and major dopamine receptor subtypes, D1 and D2, were examined in the striatum and mesocorticolimbic structures (amygdala and hippocampus). Results: Adjusting for various covariates, we found a specific reduction, particularly in male fetuses, of the D2 mRNA expression levels in the amygdala basal nucleus in association with maternal marijuana use. The reduction was positively correlated with the amount of maternal marijuana intake during pregnancy. No significant cannabis-related alterations were detected in the hippocampus or caudal striatum for the D2, D1, and CB1 mRNA levels, although alcohol showed significant contribution to striatal D1/D2 expression. Conclusions: These human fetal findings suggest that in utero cannabis exposure may impair distinct mesocorticolimbic neural systems that regulate emotional behavior.


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Avoid all Drugs and Chemicals especially Chemical Drugs

Consuming Marijuana During Pregnancy


cannabis is a natural herb

our story agoso

My partner and i hav been together for 17 yrs

we have 7 happy healthy well adjusted children age range from 3 to 18y

they were all were born at home under water. Peacefully no crying

We hav lotza pix recordings and even videos of their births

i was the midwife for all our deliveries No doctors,no Hospitals this is strictly a family affair

just before labour and inbetween contractions Nyah would hav a few tokes pon som a mi finest herb

During most preg, and breastfeeding we used Cannabis Ointment, Tincture, and Healing Oil extensivley


she didnt like to smoke for fun during pregs much, but she did smoke cannabis for its medicinal qualities

1spliff wid a cup a ginger tea stops Morinig sickness for Nyah <---beloverd partner mi Queen, mi Emperess

breast fed all our childern and even still wid Tosh 3ys

for her

cannabis is no problem for breast feeding

helps increase and release millk supply

helps baby gain wieght

there is a study called The Costa Rican Report


which includes Rasta women and breast feeding.

It cites a lota positive effects and debunks all the gov propaganda


we share a spliff Nyah and I, as she is feeding and it works great through her milk to help baby sleep.


Ointment for scratches and milk pimples


healing oil for nappy rash


Now hear dis scientific fact


Cannabis is in the top 6 of the worlds safest known substances to people kind

even the DEA's own Judge admit dat


Cannabis would make international news if they ever find anything detremental to infant health

wheres de studies where is de reports scientists hav completed thousands to date

Gov wont show u cause the results are all strictly positive, and that is not in their vested interests


not funny when ppl are suffering to de point of death because of cannabis probition


check India for child and infent mortality stats


why havent they got asylums full a cannabis victims?

because there arent any



in fact india medical practisioners in the Ayurvedic field have recomended cannabis for gestation child birth and lactation for centuries

as you can see

we hav done lotsa research into diss

i hav collected a book shelf full a medicinal cannabis books in mi studio


check for ya selves

do a search thats how we found the truth

the info is all out there


Dr Melanie Dreher, Joan Bello, Dr Lester Grinspoon sites is a good place to start


Irey Guidance

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"Cannabis in Costa Rica - A Study in Chronic Marihuana Use" edited by William Carter for the Institute for Study of Human Issues. (ISHU, 3401 Science Center, Philidelphia. As mentioned in page 85 of Hemp & The Marihuana Conspiracy (The Emperor Wears No Clothes) Two books in One 1985 edition.

See if yah can track this one down too ----> Ganga in Jamaica - A Medical Anthropological Study Of Chronic Marihuana Use by Vera Rubin and Lambros Comitas (1975; Mouton & Co., The Hague, Paris/Anchor Books NY)

Sourced from same book

The Coptic Study by Vera Rubin looks interesting too.....

And I quote....

In 1981, a study showed that 10 of Americas heaviest pot smokers (from the Coptic religion and residing in Florida) actually believed that using 16 huge high potency spliffs a day had improved their minds somewhat over a period of ten years........

Most studies (matched population, past and present) indicate that -everything else being equal-an average American pot smoker will live longer than his counterpart who does no drugs at all; with fewer, and generally less stress--therby having fewer illnesses to upset the immune system, and being a more peaceful neighbor.


(Costa Rican and Jamaican Studies.)

Again from the Emperor.....

i'm on a roll here....

The (Jamaican Study) -- outlines the positive reinforcement given socially to Ganga smokers in Jamaica, the universal praise for the practises among users, who smoke it as a work motivator. Subjects decribed the effects of smoking making them "brainier lively, merry, more responsible and conscious. They reported it was good for meditation and concentration,, and created a general sense of well-being and assertiveness.



It is clear that the governments of the world do not care about the health of their people and do not even take notice of scientific studies, let alone the many and varied Cultures that,, throughout time have used this Herb for wellness.

I will give you an example, please, verify the things we claim with your own research.

I will quote from The great Book of Hemp and give yah some leads

"A recent study of Jamaican infants found that at one month of age children of Cannabis-smoking mothers scored significantly higher than children born to non-smokers in ten of the fourteen characteristics measured, including alertness, robustness, regulatory capacity and orientation. The mothers reported that Cannabis increased their appetites, relieved their morning sickness, and improved the quality of their rest. These effects likely contributed to healthier newborns."

M.C Dreher, K. Nugent, and R. Hudgins. "Prenatal Marijhuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study" Pediatrics 93, no. 2 (1994)

If yah put the title of the study in google .....

There are many accounts of maternal use of Herb in so many cultures.....It shouldn't take yah to long to become well informed.......

Both of us descend from Herbalists....we basically ONLY use Herbs to keep our family healthy....and always have....Ital life is our way...Organic, plant-based diet and medicine....check it in the first page of the courts Bible that all are called to swear on to tell the Truth......

i and i are not afraid to stand up and speak the truth, everything i and i say can be verified by clinical research, and is proven to be harmless and beneficial by world renown scientists, even police have children, and are humans with the capacity to know truth when they see it, they and their familes will only benefit from hearing the Truth about Cannabis.

Someones gotta tell it how it is.....

too long propaganda rule the day and perpetuate suffering and dis-ease....

Froward Cannabis

Heal da People

Hael de Land

Blessings and Oneness

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