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how many plants to flower?

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g-day , i've had a great strike rate for my seedlings and currently have 11 due for there first topping , they are growing in soil under a 400 w mh .my question is .......... how many plants do i flower ? , i have a 600 w philips son-t ready to go and none of the plants have been sexed . thanks for any help . :P
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I would put them all in and remove males/hermies as they appear, also, with so many plants I would not tip them as they would bush out and take up a heap of grow space.



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Yeah, flower them all and pull out the males and hermies like Tom said,

bit I'd let em veg a bit longer and take a few cuttings b4 you flower them.

Label the cuttings and the plant they came from. That way if one or two are

really good females you can keep the cuttings from them as mother plants and

you won't have to sex your seedlings next grow - just take clones from the mums.

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