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weakpriks problem clones

Guest weekprik

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Guest weekprik

I posted about my clones i have problems with, damn I just dont get it everything is perfect, temps, nutes, ph, dang I even have a truncheon EC tester cause im paranoid im stuffing these, I have also had a grow mate take a look and he reakons it must be the plants nothing else, but these are top quality from AussieSPC,


what do ya think??


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Where they rooted properly when you got them? white roots or where they brownish?

when all nutes and everything is ok, it can only be a few things, one of them a root problem.

this clone does look as if it's burned from nutes but this will also happen with root probs.

It's hard to tell from here mate but it sure looks like she's dieing...sorry man. :P

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did you try flushing them?  they could have nute lockout.

What I would recommend, I would also cut the nutrients completely for a week and then start them on half strength for a couple of weeks after that, what brand of nutrients are you using? Have you read the directions? If it was the plant then Stonedas wouldn't have sent it out in the first place.


It's still standing so it can still survive, also I have found that a PH of around 6.2 is good when using Perlite.



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Guest Field_of_Light
hey weak.....flush em big time...flush out all your nutrient......raise your lights up for one week and they might just resurrect...if they r in perlite check your root system...if roots are still white and the leaves are screwed they still might resurect...if roots are brown....throw it out
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Guest weekprik

nah i give up fuck em, they will be shit if they live now anyways, so ive stuck the pots outside out of my grow room, lets see if the natural sun helps???


I wont use perlite again i reakon it was the problem, as everything else is ok,


I sorted out the problem with Stonedas, what a dude, if you need plants etc use aussieSPC they are caring souls not just pricks wanting to get rich,


Only one problem i now have is one of the NEW 4 clones i have well when unpackaging it from the post I snapped the clone right off from the rockwool, I put it back together and put a piece of tape around the broken bit, worked well still growing good and didnt even droop, BUT I get up this morning and the Mrs tells me oops I think I killed your plant last night, she had bumped it and the top fell off and by the time I woke it was dry,

I have left the rockcube in my unit with this 1/2 cm stalk,

Do you think it may live?? or is it rooted?? it has a strong white root system,

Should I kill one of my bush clones and graph it on to the G13 plant??


quick thoughts plz guys??

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hey weekprik,


you know you can keep a mother plant and take 1000000 clones off that.


But no you can't graft it. Grafting anything onto the G13 root system will give you buds of the plant you grafted on anyway its not possible.


If you have other G13 clones don't worry about it, but if thats your only one it is probably fucked.


Girls get jealous of how much effort you put into your other ladies I reckon. Try to kill them.

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