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root mass

Guest sabator

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Guest sabator

Hey guys :P



For my third grow ive gone for headstone clones (from spc, would reccomend to any1)


Now the plants i have are about 2ft tall and are extremely healthy. In fact there the most healthyest plants i have ever seen. This is all good.


But these 2 ft plants are in huge pots with even HUGER root systems. Now the reason why i worry is that these pots are larger then the ones i used last grow and the plants were twice the size. The only differance between grows have been.


The 1st grow i used an unknown strain

The 1st grow was with ozmocoat potting mix.......This one is with CANNA COCO.


Now the thing is these plants seem to slow growth to almost zip when the roots fill the pot. Hence i repot and they start growing again.

I want these plants about 3 ft b4 putting into flower and i am not willing to go up another pot size.




Just one more thing............... I have been led to belive these plants could have such large root masses cos my nutes have been to weak ( 840 ppm this fiqure includes what is already in the tap water).


Now remember the planst are super dupper healthy thats why i have troble believeing the nute theory.

Plants are under a 400w. and the nutes have just been increased.






P.s......... If possible could we stay on this topic. I notice with other posts people often get off the topic.



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Guest sabator

Is it INDOOR??????




Sorry mate but dats one DUMB ASS question.



When i say the plants are under 400w do u think i mean the sun?????


of course there indoors.........................


As for why i want my plants bigger then 2 ft........... Im not even gunna go there.


Guys i am more then happy to answer serious questions in respect to my grow and conditions............. But i do get a little pissed when ppl say dumb things.



Thanks again to any1 that can help.

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sabator, we are a bunch of stoners here and sometimes we miss things, aggressive replies tend to put others off commenting and could result in the topic being dumped in the bitching room.


But these 2 ft plants are in huge pots with even HUGER root systems.

We need something more than "huge" dimensions would be helpful.


I have been led to belive these plants could have such large root masses cos my nutes have been to weak

You are now growing hydro, not soil which contains/holds nutrients, if you don't give the plants enough food they will go looking for it, mix your nutrients to manufactures instructions, they are going to give you the concentration for the best possible results, they want you to buy again.


I want these plants about 3 ft b4 putting into flower and i am not willing to go up another pot size.

If your plants get root bound they will die.


P.s......... If possible could we stay on this topic. I notice with other posts people often get off the topic.

Sort of like a red rag to a bull, as I said before, we are a bunch of stoners. We are not a reference book and we help other growers out in our own time and way, we are a laid back group and if we get off the subject a bit at times then the person starting the topic will bring us back to earth when he/she has another point that needs clarifying.



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