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More potency

Guest nick_milligan

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Guest Urbanhog

maybe you need to give us more details? what you mean? strains? or make the ripened and cured buds stronger? or grow and breed them more potent? or what? I think your question might be bit too brief to ask us if you want our help. I don't understand your question. Sorry.




Urbanhog :P

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What can i do to make sure i have the most potent, killa-nugz out?

Get some growing experience, build a proper grow room, use good genetics, use top shelf nutrients and then after harvest and drying cure them for about 6 months before using. That’s the basics, there’s quite a bit more to it than that though.



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Cure for 6 months? you do this?

Not quite, but at least two to three months although I do sample it from time to time.



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Guest Urbanhog

Yeah I argee with Tom, I used to cure for 2-4 months, and it was a lot smoother, tastier and nicer... few mates commented that it was a a huge differences compared to 2 weeks old cured bud to a 4 month old cured bud. And also check regularly for moulds and shit like that. :P


Urbanhog :P

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having the most 'killa nugz' is mostly a matter of what strain you are using.


and yeah long curing, if your used to buying commercial pot then this will probably be a new thing to you, but well cured pot is so much more smokable.

I find alot of commercial bud won't burn for me, and thats probably the reason so many aussies use spin in their mix. DJ Short wrote a great article about curing in Cannabis Culture magazine, dont have a link though.

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Long cured, frozen budzzzzz.... DROOOOOOLLLLL........


yes, if you can take the time, cure them, you'll appreciate the difference....


Me.... I freeze mine... and if I have a mix, and its just sitting around, I keep it in the cripser... and generally I Pree-Roll my splifs, and them keep them in this spiffy are tight container I picked up from Safeway ( Woolies ) fro $3... its got a rubber seal , and these great clips on each side...


And it seals so well.... and thats in the crisper also....


Thast my input.... :P..

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I dont really use any particular method...


Basically I make sure the buds a cured and perfectly dry prior to freezing them... Otherwise its possible to grow mold while in the freezer... and hte least amount of penicillian I have in my body the better..


From there, I unsure that they are wrapped tightly in foil, and then place them inside an air tight container...




You can store mj at -4 C or below with very little if any loss of THC poitency for extended periods of time.. ie Years.


The crystalisation of THC through freezing means that the natural form is broken, ( similar to blending mj to a fine powder when making caps ) and this generaglly leds to , 1. a better and smoother smoke, and , 2. and greather absorption of THC.


Try it yourself Tom.. Grab a Bud, chuck it in the freezer 1 -2 hours... do the chop, and smoke it while its still cold...


Then Report back to me... :P


What you should find is generally the smoke is smoother, without the irritation to cough.. and high can be a little more draw out ( depending upon the strain ) and is usually significantly 'higher' ...


The Crystalisation process , and the the imediate croping, allows for smaller particles to enter the lungs, thus better absorbtion by the Alveolar is acheived...




being a NON-tobacco Smoker, I try to find the nicest and least harsh way to get stoned I can.. :P


hope this helps..


- merv

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