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Hi everyone. Ive got some Poison Dwarf on the grow atm (auto flowering strain), in a mixture of perlite, coco and soil. The reason for all three is apparently autos do better in soil but can be more proned to root rot hence the mix of perlite and coco.

I read somewhere that flushing should be done at least once a week in soil to get rid of the salt build up. Should it be this often considering its an auto strain and only has about 2 weeks veg and 8 to 10 weeks flower? Im using about 40% soil, 50% coco and 10% perlite; special sauce and molassas mix for the first 2 weeks (special sauce is my home made fert concentrate using a Bokashi bucket - potant stuff at about 1:100!), then Canna-bio flores and molassas for the rest of the cycle.


If not once a week for the flush then how often? Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Hi everyone. Ive got some Poison Dwarf on the grow atm (auto flowering strain), in a mixture of perlite, coco and soil. The reason for all three is apparently autos do better in soil but can be more proned to root rot hence the mix of perlite and coco.

I read somewhere that flushing should be done at least once a week in soil to get rid of the salt build up. Should it be this often considering its an auto strain and only has about 2 weeks veg and 8 to 10 weeks flower? Im using about 40% soil, 50% coco and 10% perlite; special sauce and molassas mix for the first 2 weeks (special sauce is my home made fert concentrate using a Bokashi bucket - potant stuff at about 1:100!), then Canna-bio flores and molassas for the rest of the cycle.


If not once a week for the flush then how often? Any help would be greatly appreciated




Just read up on this strain...


From G13 labs


would love to see some pics

Edited by shroomyshroom
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