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giberellic acid

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I've tried heapsa times to explain this shit, but it seems I don't make no sense


here is a thread to read, that you started way back when happyherb, It describes the methods, etc.....

Male to Female.


here is the link paranoid is talking about:



Anyhoo, this stuff is only for an Xx female, do you guys understand that??

If you need any help come chat with me. I explain it a bit in 2 recent threads, one is by Mr_Putard, along the lines of 'My 1st Grow' or sumthing like that, and the other is by elefunk_delivers and is called 'getting seeds from my plant' or sumthing like that.


I can't go into explaining why you guys can't do this in this thread, its too much writing that I wrote before, so try to check out them ones I mentioned.What you guys should do is backcross the clone in question.


Any guy that owns a hydroshop know naught about breeding and selfing. But yeah, like the proGIBB thread says this shit can kill you're plants,

Mine didn't come from a Hydrostore, mine came from a mate I had a long time ago, who never found that Xx gyrl he needed, so I got to use it first, his came from a mail-order plant-breeder supplier (he was an ex-nurseryman), its used on tomatoes and shit.


anyhoo, take care

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