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Components of pot, a cure for the obesity epidemic?

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I know this sounds very dramatic, but I had an idea last night that really got me thinking.


I'm sure your all aware of the governments idea to genetically isolate the pain killing attributes of pot as a form of pain killers. As i was munching into a salad my friend made whilst stoned, I realised how friggen awesome it tasted. Now I'm not the guy who typically eats salad unless I'm forced too. haha.


So then it struck me. Why can't they isolate the component of pot that makes stuff taste so good. Pot makes things taste good, I've never met a person who have said food tastes 'worse' while stoned.


I shared this with the group i was with and one of them posed a question, would you really want to take some medicine every time before you ate? as soon as you ran out things would taste bad again, well thankfully our bodies are amazing and learn to like food we continually shovel down our throat.


example 1. When I was a kid, I couldn't eat red meat. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. A bodybuilder who our family is good friends with explained that my dislike from red meat was purely because my taste buds weren't used to the flavors of red meat. Now i was a stubborn kid, so i said fuck that i'll just keep eating KFC. So then he recommended me some liquid to gargle about 15 minutes before eating, it pretty much just numbed my mouth. After about 2 months of doing this I stopped gargling this liquid and to my surprise a steak really didn't taste that bad. After another 3 months, I really enjoyed the taste of red meat, and still do to this day.


So my thinking is that once people start eating well, it just takes a bit of time to get used to the flavors, and then you start enjoying them.


Example 2. We had a Japanese exchange student join the family, so we went out and saw lots of 'aussie' stuff to give the kid a bit of experiance of how it is to be Australian. We had a big 2nd night and had nothing to cook for dinner. So we ordered in some pizzas from dominoes. The kid had a bite and nearly threw up. he HATED it, could hardly keep it down. This was a real eye opener for me because then he decided he'd just grab some rice from the pantry and cook it.


Its my thinking that we as a western culture surrounded by fast food joints that we get into a really viscous cycle of actually enjoying this food.


So what do you guys think? is it possible to actually do this/would it be wise too?

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From a slightly different angle I had the pleasure of seeing and assisting a 21 year old female who was suffering severe anorexia, thousands had been spent on treatment, doctors, medications, psychiatrists etc etc. After going onto a one spliff a day diet she regained full health within months. So my opinion is that the idea has merit, it does not solve lactose intolerance though :peace:

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