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Hey everyone i just harvested my three plants that are extremely leafy i got rid of most fan leaves but i just cant trim till a couple of hours cause my house isnt that big and i dont want my mum walkin into my room when im holding a weed plant .. when i chopped them i stuffed them into a back pack and they were sealed in there for about an 20 mins then i openned the bg up but left them in there in my car with the windows slightly cause again i couldnt walk into the house with a big of pot plants. They were in the car for about an hour and 20 mins then i took them out and started trimming in my room but then realised my whole room started to stink so ive laid them on their sides outside hardly trimmed and wont be able to finish trimming them and hanging them up until probably 10 tonight ...is there a big risk of mold?
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they'll be fine, but doing something behind your parents back which could land them in a whole lot of trouble is pretty bad. you should sit down with them and explain the reasons why you smoke pot and then explain the dangers associated with buying the shit. i did that with my parents and they went from being weed nazis to letting me grow some plants in the back yard and they even let me take over the garage so i could smoke up in a safe environment. your parents might be totally against marijuana and will more than likely buy into all the government funded reefer madness, but if you do your research you can throw that right back on them and give them no real reasons why you shouldnt be allowed to smoke or grow your own.


what sealed it for me was showing stories of how weed has been laced overseas with lead and all kinds of nasty shit and then mentioning how i have smoked some stuff which i believe was laced with herion or something hard like that because i have never experienced anything like it before, but a few times since. that freaked my parents out like nothing else, but i explained to them that while i could see the effect that news had on them, imagine how i felt thinking i was going to die because a dealer was trying to get me addicted to their pot. i explained that the only way to prevent anything like that happening again was to grow my own and because they would be able to check on the plants and all, that they too could be sure i was getting the healthiest product possible.


just make sure you think 10 steps ahead when it comes to presenting your side of the argument. like say potency hasnt increased, only the amount of manicuring has and even if by some miracle a strain was 10-30x more potent than shit from the 60s and 70s instead of growing buds they would grow hash. but if that wasnt enough proof of the current state of reefer madness you also have to realize that people like us who smoke pot only smoke until they get the desired effects. that means the more potent the pot is fewer joints, bongs, etc. are needed to be consumed to get the same effects and ANYTHING that reduces the amount of smoking you do can only be a good thing....if they cant let go entirely and wont drop how smoking it is still terrible for your health, mention vapourizers and cooking and how both are extremely healthy options as no combustion takes place.


provided you study up before presenting your side of the argument and think about every possible thing they can use against you and throw it right back at them they'll have no choice in the matter other than to agree with you. they will hate it as it will feel like they were just converted from being hardcore religious types into athiests so they might just agree to disagree, but in the end provided everyone keeps their cool you'll win.


just remember that parents can be really big cunts and the last thing you want to do is risk their arses going to prison. if they find your stash they are more than likely going to destroy it and kick you out with just the clothes on your back. that'll beat prison and thats how they'll think of it as well, but if you are open, honest and present a valid argument that they cant fight without looking totally irrational things might change from not being able to manicure in the privacy of your own bedroom to sitting down with your father drinking a few beers and manicuring together lol

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haha thanks for your concern man but i have talked to my parents about it alot and they are quite aware of my cannabis use. Ive explained to my parents the view i have on cannabis and some of the facts i know but no matter what they'll never be for me smoking. But yeah im sick of having to drive to nimbin to bye my ganja cause i prefer bush so i started growing my own. I mean it would be kinda different if they walked into my room and i was rolling a doobie, they would just be dissapointed, but holding three plants and manicuring them is a different story. I spose its a dissagreement between me and my folks that i have to deal with but its not too big of an issue


I really appreciate the time you put in to tryen to help though man...your a mad dog haha

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some parents never open their eyes :D


ohh well, atleast you tried lol


There is nothing like sitting out the back yard of my folks house (step father who used to be a real prick) with my brothers having a few bongs while mum is having a glass of wine and the step is getting pissed on his home brew. They allow my brother to grow a couple of plants in their back yard. Sorry it is off topic. Mum is the coolest, she is more concerned about me when I start coughing my guts out than the effects of the herb on my mind.

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