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The Meth Epidemic

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a great doco... made in Australia too.. its been on before... it does have meth heads smoking bongs.. so its sort of Mj related..lol


one guy from sigma pharmaceuticals says... we cant take the pills off the market that contain pseudo ephedrine because theyre very popular medicines... no shit douch... people are making METH from them you fuckin idiot... but we cant put a stop to the sales hey.. as long as they make their money they dont give 2 fucks about whats going on... its all about money... now if they can start selling cupcake medicines that contain cannabis.. we might just see a turn around in the pot laws...


goes to show.. when the government doesnt step in to try and stop the so called "meth epidemic" by banning such medicines, then we really are ruled by big pharma cos... why bother fuckin voting at all... its a fascist society...

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I was addicted to pusudo ephefrine for ten years. I stared to use it because I had to loose weight and had tendenitis in my foot, which is realy painful and limits any movement you can do. I took to it like baby to mother's milk. ten years later I was so completel fucked on it, all legal and all up front. I was way under-weight, and the doctor waould ask me "what do u want it for? U dont need to loose weight"

I'd tellhim just as a "tonic", a get up and go" that helped me at work, to get things done around the home, otherwise I'd just lay in bed"


It was duromine, you know the stuff surely. I was so under-weight family were worried i was anorexic. lol If only you could see me now, massively over weight.


but the point is, get it from the big boy tax paying drug dealers, and you can livbe on it all your life. Have someone try to make it in th ebackstreets, and they ban every safe chemical they can use, forcing them to use banned chemicals, but also chemicals that can kill us all. Do these fucking idiots think that banning pure chems is going to stop a tade that helps people pay their bills?


Dont get me wrong. i hate meth. The dameg I've seen it do to families and freinds. When i was doing community work, i'd one day be visiting a husband and wife that were all lovely dovey, a few days later I'd hearthe husband in in jail for attempted murder. Took to his misses with a hammer.

Kids getting abused, unfed and screamed at, kicked out in themiddle of the night to wonder the streets because their mum and dad were too strung out and unable to sleep, couldnt stand the kids around them. we took a kid home we found wondering the streets onenight, he was 6. We ended up leaving him with his older brother at the skate park at 2 am, becuase his own mother didnt want him back in the hous, and the poor littletyke was falling alseep, scared, confused...


I dont like meth.




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Ive been using meth/speed regulary now since 1985.Sure i lost it a few times by going to hard but i now know the difference between drug use and drug abuse.I only use meth once a month now and i stay up no longer than 36 hours.A lot of people blame meth for their woes but its a cop out for lack of self control on their behalf.These same people could screw them selfs up on legal drugs just as bad.All the government has achived from its restrictions on ephedrine sales is to take away the profits from local manufactures and hand them to highly organised crime groups who are importing ephedrine HCI from south east asia.Im buying beautiful clean meth now cheaper than i could in 1998.Pulling cones on the gear is one of lifes great pleasures.
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I know ya right mate. those few that can't keep a grip make big waves. but those few do some really fucked up things.


i took uppers from the doctor for ten years or more, same kinda thing.


I think the worst thing that has happened is the cops being successful in banning all the safe chemicals used to make the sutff. So now people are forced to use stuff that can hut ya. The cops rant about labs being dangerous and blowing up.


but about 5 or 6 years ago, maybe a bit more, I knew a bloke frsh released from priosn, who was staying at my place. Did along strecth for cooking large amounts of meth. he told me the cops had actually talked chemical companies into putting some substance into some particular part of the recipe, so that if it was mixed withthe right gear to be on the way to making speed, it gummed up all the works.

the end result if it wasn't watched very closely, was the lab exploded by being gummed up!


How concenred are tyhese cops for public safety? what a joke.


Seriosuly, I detest violence, but one day someone's going to wake up to the philosphical reality of the war declared on us drug users,a nd start acting aggresive towrads the sytem. Maybe the seriosuly violent hip hoppers in America? I mean "they" (the authorities) delcared war on us. u cantr declare war on drugs, you delcare war on drug users. And they have killed heaps of us with everything from people being killed while in prison, to bad cheimcals kiling people in their drugs, to being shot in the street by cops..


I know I have a hard view on speed mate, All the sufering I saw while working with social groups in the most speed ridden place in qld gave me bad memories. But I respect your opion as true, and think the problem is bigger than simple terms.




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Ive been using meth/speed regulary now since 1985.Sure i lost it a few times by going to hard but i now know the difference between drug use and drug abuse.I only use meth once a month now and i stay up no longer than 36 hours.A lot of people blame meth for their woes but its a cop out for lack of self control on their behalf.These same people could screw them selfs up on legal drugs just as bad.All the government has achived from its restrictions on ephedrine sales is to take away the profits from local manufactures and hand them to highly organised crime groups who are importing ephedrine HCI from south east asia.Im buying beautiful clean meth now cheaper than i could in 1998.Pulling cones on the gear is one of lifes great pleasures.



I have to agree %100 mate i have used meth for well over 5 years always smoked it when ever i could afford a gram which was probaly 1 gram a fortnight and only smoked it on weekends, It truely does come down to self control and knowing the difference between using and abusing.. like RobbieGanjaSeed i have seen what this molecule can do to ppl... but as already stated if these ppl were given the chence to abuse booze and or prescription meds the exact same outcome would have happened with out a dought... Meth is like any drug out there if you treat it with the respect it deserves it will do the same... abuse it and it will rape you 3 ways from sunday and spit you out leaving your life a broken puzzle with missing pieces that you will never be able to get back.....


I guess many will only see the bad it causes and i can understand why as the media and doesnt actualy let ppl know that alot of presription medication actualy has meth in them that helps deal with many disorders

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i knew pharmacutical companies made herion and speed, but i didnt know they were also making meth...you'd think instead of going for cold and flu pills that have pseudo ephedrine in them the cooks would be going for those other meds :thisbig:



its alot easyer to go to a few different chemists and get a few packs on cold and flu than it is to go to a doctor and convince him/her you have a disorder that requires the use of meth for you to have a normal life..


this is the main reason why the cold and flu tabs are preffered

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I know quiet a few ppls in this who have been doing meth now for years and honestly it changes people rots your teeth until your smile is looking worse then the homeless guy on the corner weeing on himself, and your brain is looking worse then swiss cheese. IMHO its disgusting the government has allowed prescribed drugs like this to continue to support this industry while banning environmentally sustainable plants and criminalizing the environment we all have to live in further effecting biodiversity further, remembering extinction is forever.
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