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First Indoor Grow

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Thanks Buster... you had me all woried and shit....


The soil underneath the corse shit ontop is F@#*'in beautiful... :o .. I had a little trouble with her from the start, and shes missing her first two sets of leaves... the course soil was to help her stay upright. She sprouted so bloody quick, her own wieght ment she was liying horizontal.. ( I thought to myself, yeah.. must be a female, she s displaying typical blonde traits and this tender age )...... :lol:


Yeah Mr.P, its a bit sad, and WA lends itself to such wonderful outdoor growth.....


Im gunna be hanging out to buy my new lights and see some real growth... :D


Speaking of jrs and letters....... HEY Johnny, did you forget me ? :(

Edited by merv
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firstly I assume that the chopped coke bottle has drainage holes in it.


Tom's right about stopping the light. Buy some flex duct the same size as your fans and one or two bends should stop the light, or a light cover/grill either or both sides of the fan. But its not absolutely necessary to exhaust to outside. You can simply have an exhaust out the top of your cupboard. And mate you can count on any light penetration you're getting now to triple once you fire that 600watter back up.

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Ok here is the third one up... it had both it's leaves fried even before they had fully formed... you can't see it in this pic (actually it's entirely a blur) but, there are two new tiny round leaves and a center bump forming... the tiny round leaves sorta look like a bit of stalk atm and are whitish around the outside and green in the middle... I hope they develop into something... can anyone reassure me? hehe... that's ok.. Oh forgot to take a pic of the second one.. I'll try and have photos in about a week from now and should be able to see something then.. but it's only leaf left has also curled up but won't die... and, there are new leaves forming that look like they'll be tiny but much more promising than the third one... sigh.


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I'm almost finished my first batch of nutes... cutting strength GH 3 part... probably got another week or so...


I plan to put two of the plants in buckets next week... just waiting on the grommets now...hehe


OK, on the 20th I FIMMED number one... cut just above the base of the growing tip... what I ended up with was two tiny thin little leaves and a tiny grow tip... hoping to get 3-6 new tips shoot out...hehe


Sometime between now and my last update I noticed some white roots showing in the pot so I wrapped a bit of panda around each coke bottle..


here's some pics..


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